The prosperity of modern publication industry results from the intellectuals life course choice.
The modern press,serving as the carrier and media of cultural communication,is gradually awakening in the course of wrenching itself free from and deconstructing the imperial power culture and the colonial culture.
作为文化传播载体和媒介的近代出版业 ,伴随着对皇权文化和殖民文化的挣脱、解构而逐步觉醒 ,这一方面依赖于新式印刷术的引进、出版资本的形成 ,更重要的是源于民族救亡和启蒙的文化自
The obstinate spirit which does not give in to the character of this field should be admired by us for ever, and it is the basis when we explore modern ways for the rural society too.
尽管有种种局限 ,但他们在反叛过程中所体现的、未曾被这块土地性格驯服的桀骜之气 ,始终是值得我们赞美的 ,也是探索民间现代出路的根本所在。
Constantly changing technology makes the modern publishing industry develop in the way of digitalizing and networking.
技术创新不断推动现代出版业向数字化、网络化方向发展 ,电子出版物、网络出版物在现代出版业中的比重越来越大 ,出版与其他产业的界限越来越模糊 ,用户对知识、信息的内容及获取方式的选择将空前丰