Research on impact test mechanism for high acceleration ejection;
In the paper introduce the new experimental technology which use the high rotary testing machine to test the dynamic characteristic of micro-structure under the condition of high acceleration, the rigid connection technology, solid damping technology and dynamic balancing technology which are fit for high-acceleration experiment of solid mass is proposed, the high-accelerati.
The measurement of displacement and velocity are accomplished at high acceleration by optical fiber sensor.
Micromachined Thermal Accelerometer;
Simulation of Calibrating Dynamic Error Parameters of Accelerometer at One-Time;
Design of an Inertial Measurement System Based on Accelerometers and Gyro-Free;
Research on the velocity and acceleration of linear feed unit of zero transmission machine tools;
Researching on belt conveyor acceleration detecting system;
The research on the acceleration rule of the natural environmental persification;
Analysis & Detection of Micromechanical Accelerator System;
The Combined Inclination Azimuth Multi-function Logging Tool measures the inclination of well,azimuth and the azimuths of each arm of the multi-arm caliper with a flexible gyroscope and a framed gyroscope and three accelerators.
A study is carried on the measurement error of the accelerator of strapdown inertial navigation system(SINS)from the two aspects of instrumental and installing error.
Selection of accelerometers parameters;
The Selection of Parameters about Accelerometers;
Two accelerometers are rigidly mounted on a high-speed rotating table.
为了提高寻北系统的测量精度,在研究基于Corio lis效应的加速(度)计寻北原理的基础上,详细分析了转台调平误差及其噪声干扰对系统测量精度的影响,提出了将两个加速(度)计按照严格的位置规定安装在高速旋转的转台上,一个用于感应测量地球自转的北向分量,另一个用于转台的解析调平及测量由调平引起的噪声干扰。
Analysis and computer simulations of some mechanical movements relating to jerks;
In recent years,researches indicate that the derivative of acceleration(jerk,m/s3),which is directly proportional to the force changing rate,has close relation with the physical destruction process and can be applied to many fields of modern development.
These method can be described below: directly withdraw annex rotates , withdraw annex rotates by ramp ,current memory by using two speed controller.
通过对动态速降的研究 ,提出了几种解决动态速降的方法 ,分别是附加速(度)直接去掉法、附加速(度)斜率去掉法、用速度环双调节器的电流记忆法。
This paper sums up the difficulty of solving angle acceleration and acceleration of planar four-bar linkage mechanisms by using center of speed method,and finds a simple method for all purposes.
A new way to obtain the acceleration of a smooth object and the angle acceleration of a linked pole by the center of speed is introduced.
Anew way to get the angle acceleration of the smooth pole is presented This new way is more direct, simpler, more covenient, quicker and with higher degree of precision compared with the conventional way
This paper analyzes detaily the problems related to electrode vibrators of electrostatic precipitator, especially the effect of acceleration and homogeneity of electrode vibrator to the efficiency of dust removal.
作者根据从事电除尘器设计和参加施工服务工作的实践经验 ,对与电除尘器电极振打有关的几个问题 ,特别是振打加速(度)值及其分布均匀性对除尘效率的影响 ,进行了较详细的分析 ,并提出了合理确定振打加速(度)值的基本原则 ,及振打加速(度)的测试和评判标准等。