
emergency exit; emergency escape hatch,emergency hatch,emergency hatches

emergency exit; emergency escape hatch,emergency hatch,emergency hatches

  • 翻译:紧急出口


1)emergency exit; emergency escape hatch,emergency hatch,emergency hatches,紧急出口2)emergency,紧急3)emergency call,紧急呼救4)acute conflict,紧急冲突5)emergency braking,紧急制动6)emergency rescue,紧急救援


Development of Model T460 Emergency Locking Property Testing Bench for Moter Vehicle Safety Belts;


Objective: To observe the clinicial effect and of emergency cardiac pacing in cardiac arrest.


It is very important whether a driver can give correct decision and precise operation in emergency.


Based on current status of traffic accident emergency rescue,new requirements of establishing vehicle accidents emergency call system were described;functions of emergency call system based on vehicle accidents severity classification were proposed.


The principles of vehicle emergency call technology are reviewed, its researching content is elaborated from the aspects of vehicle accidents detection and recognition technology, mobile vehicle location technique, wireless communication technology and geographic information system(GIS).


Aiming at backward status of domestic emergency rescue, foreign research results were analyzed to study on vehicle accidents emergency call technology and.


In constructing the causal interrelationship between environmental scarcity,social adaptation and acute conflict,Homer-Dixon studies the ontological and methodological issues on environment security.

在建构环境匮乏、社会适应性和紧急冲突的因果联系过程中,霍马—迪克逊(Homer-D ixon)探讨了环境安全的本体论与方法论问题,对发展中国家的环境安全问题进行了经验研究,并且建立了较为完整的环境安全理论体系。

Analysis for the strength of emergency braking on motorbus;


Reason analysis of fault of emergency braking occurred at the time of automatic brake valve in CCBⅡ braking system applying full brake;


Solving limited speed of emergency braking by Bisection Method;


Study on the development of emergency rescue function of the fire troop;


By combining new technology of intelligent traffic system, such as video detection, optimizing, intelligent control and GPS (global position system) location, with service function, the implementing schema in incident detection, emergency rescue schedule, tra.


After an analysis and comparison between China and developed countries such as the USA and Japan in such fields as the education of road traffic safety,emergency rescue,just enforcement of laws and responsibility imputing of accident compensation for damage,the authors have tried to propose the existing problems in our country and counter-measures.

