
adiabatic diagram

adiabatic diagram

  • 翻译:绝热图


1)adiabatic diagram,绝热图2)heat insulation,绝热3)insulation,绝热4)Thermal insulation,绝热5)prefabricated wrapping,绝热包扎6)adiabatic temperature,绝热温度


The other is EG-based carbon/carbon low density composite used for heat insulation.


5,under the oxidation of catalyst,the heat insulation synthesis of PFS is realized with the raw Fe 2SO 4·7H 2O,getting rid of the heating equipment and economizing the processing.

5 时,采用工业级硫酸亚铁为原料,在催化氧化作用下,可以实现PFS 的绝热合成工艺,去除加热设备,优化工艺过程。

Numerical simulation results have shown that the new type of bricks can be of both refractory and heat insulation.


Vacuum insulation panel technology and its development;


With regard to insulation layer and shell anti-corrosion insulation coating for ladle, oxyacetylene flame hot spraying nanometer Al2O3 coating (1), compound reflection insulation plate (2), spreading/putting insulationprotecting coating (3) for the inner surface of ladle shell were studied and developed based on microscale heat transfer.

基于微纳米传热学理论,研制开发了钢包包壳内表面 (1) 氧乙炔火焰热喷涂纳米Al2O3涂层,(2) 复合反射绝热板,(3) 喷/抹涂绝热防护层,取得了钢包外壁温度下降78~140oC以上、减小钢水温降、提高内衬温度等效果。

In this article,the author introduces characteristics and performance index of cellular glass,application,structure and construction method of cellular glass in thermal insulation and sound absorption projects.

阐述泡沫玻璃的特点和性能指标 ,泡沫玻璃在绝热工程和吸声隔声工程中的应用、构造和施工方

Based on the problem and objection of bottom cooling waterpipe prefabricated wrapping structure in bar heating furnace of Han steel,the project of technique reformation was put forward and put into practice.


Calculation of adiabatic temperature and study on knietics of preparation of amorphous boron powder by heating reduction with magnesium;


A programm was developed to calculate the adiabatic temperature of NiTi reaction,and the relation between adiabatic temperature and NiTi content,preheating temperature.


The adiabatic temperature(Tad) and reaction heat per unit mass in NH4VO3-TiO2-Cr2O3-Ni-Al reaction system was calculated to be 1 889.

计算知NH4VO3-TiO2-Cr2O3-Ni-Al反应体系的绝热温度(Tad)为1 889。
