
condensed section

condensed section

  • 翻译:密集层


1)condensed section,密集层2)condensed section,密集层段3)soil layer with concentrated root,根系密集层4)dense,密集5)Bulk curing barn,密集烤房6)bulk curing,密集烘烤


Both forams and nannofossils may be observed within the condensed section when the sample space is small enough.

认为 :(1)上中新统 /中中新统界线附近没有缺失有孔虫和超微化石带 ,而是本区二级层序中主要最大海泛面附近密集层的所在位置 ;(2 )上 /下第三系界线置于浮游有孔虫 N4带的底较为合适 ,南海东部公司目前所定义的珠海组的时代应归于早中新世 ;(3)恩平组的时代属于渐新世 ;(4)晚始新世地层在本区可能缺失 ,神狐组与文昌组孢粉组合时代同属中始新世 ,陆丰组为早始新世地层。

It is substantiated to be a condensed section in terms of the following evidences.


Blanket jamming effect analysis and simulation for dense active multi-false-target jamming;


Analyse general situation of working face, way of excarating coal, equipment type, lay of hydraulic pressure braket and benefit, this paper discusses use termination point hydraulic pressure bracket replace dense shoring in 14404 working face in Dong Qu mine.


The results showed that bulk curing barns had more advantage in quality and curing cost than common barns,and downward system had more advantage than the other.


The achievements and the current situation of research and application of bulk cuing barn in China were reviewed by summarizing some typical bulk curing barns, the forms of consumed energy, the types of loading tobacco and the curing techniques.


To master the laws of changes of pigment and moisture in the cured tobacco leaves during bulk curing process and increase the quality of the cured tobacco leaves.

