
wilful performance

wilful performance

  • 翻译:明知故犯


1)wilful performance,明知故犯2)knowing perfectly well,明知3)knowledge,明知4)fully aware,明知5)clearly know,明知6)be knowingly concerned,明知7)Subjective Knowing,主观明知8)knowingly,犯罪明知9)explicit knowledge,外明知识10)Cognition factor,明知要素


As far as the term "knowing perfectly well" is concerned,people in different countries interpret it in different ways.


Because the criminal s intent itself includes “knowing perfectly well”, so it won t cause the strict liability to delete “knowing perfectly well” in specific provisions.

我国刑法分则条文中的“明知”是注意规定 ,不是特殊规定 ;由于犯罪故意本身就包含了“明知” ,删除分则条文中的“明知”不会导致严格责任 ;由于控方承担证明责任是绝对的、无条件的 ,“明知”的证明责任仍在控方 ,但控方只需证明基本事实 ,即可推定被告方“明知”。

About the crime of impairing credit card administration,the knowledge of offender which the credit card he possesses and transport is the "forging credit card "or"forging vacant credit card"is the knowledge about the object of act.


Presumption of knowledge is an important approach to identifying knowledge.


The 14th general principle of criminal law determines that the holder should be fully aware of the character of the currency.


Escaping investigating or trailing should be predicated on the criminal s fully aware about the investigating.


On analyzing the value of the rules, pursuing the meaning of the words analyzing the logic relationship of the expressions, this essay says emphatically that the evasion of investigation or trail should be predicated on the criminal s fully aware about the investigating,and put forward the subjective factors, the objective factors and the time factors of the evasion of investigation or trai.

本文在分析时效制度价值的基础上 ,通过探求语词的确切含义、分析法条的逻辑关系 ,着重论证了“逃避侦查或者审判”应以当事人“明知”为前提 ,并提出了构成“逃避侦查或者审判”须具备的时间条件、主观条件、客观条

Combining with the judicial practice,the paper discusses three difficult problems on the subjective aspects of the crime: whether indirect intention can be a constituent of the crime,how to interpret "clearly know" and how to interpret "for selfish" and "for a favor".


On Judgment of Subjective Knowing Cognizance for Drug Crime;


There is a trend that the practice of knowledge management merging tacit and explicit knowledge man- agement.

