smoking shaft

  • 翻译:排烟竖井


1)smoking shaft,排烟竖井2)shaft irrigation and drainage,竖井排灌3)silo drainage,竖井排水4)shaft well irrigation and drainage,竖井灌排5)blow-out shaft,排气竖井6)shaft well drainage and irrigation district,竖井排灌区


The shaft irrigation and drainage project in Aksu area of Wushi County,Xinjiang is a newly-built project in the Aksu River basin according to The Short-Range Comprehensive Planning Report in the Ta Limu River and Implementing Scheme of Water-Saving and Innovation Works in the Aksu River Basin Irrigated Area in Five Years,which have been approved by the State Council of China.


A certain shaft irrigation and drainage project in Xinjiang has such characteristics:groundwater embedding shallow,strongly evaporating,soil salinization,and the exceeding imbalance between the seasonal rain and the demand of development of agriculture and stock raising.


Based on the systematic analysis of controlling factors in soil salinization, the synthetic effect of shaft irrigation and drainage is discussed in detail,and furthermore, the optimum modal for saline-sodic s.

本文在系统分析土壤盐渍化的控制因素的基础上 ,论述了竖井排灌的作用和综合效应 ,并提出土壤改良的最优化模式。

An experimental study of silo drainage effect on soil dressing;


Based on the analysis of the groundwater flow movement characteristics in Hami Basin,Xinjiang,the paper discussed the different salt transport mode on the soil profile adopted shaft well irrigation and drainage project and resulted ecological and environmental problems.


The characteristics of groundwater movement and its quality after shaft well irrigation and drainage in Hami basin,Xinjiang Wei Automous Region are analyzed by using MODFLOW and MT3DMS.

