
gaseous blast,jet flow,plume

gaseous blast,jet flow,plume

  • 翻译:喷气流


1)gaseous blast,jet flow,plume,喷气流2)compressed air flow field,喷气流场3)plume radiation,喷气流辐射4)tilted fault blocks,喷气(流)沉积-变质5)extrusive blow_deposit remade,火山喷气(流)沉积改造6)air injection,喷气


After the weakness of Hottel s method for solving plume radiation is discussed, an integral differential equation and its numerical solution form of plume radiation transmission in a dissipative and emitting medium are derived.

讨论了 Hottel法用于喷气流辐射计算的弱点 ,推演了辐射在耗散和发射性介质中传输的积微分方程 ,并在散射量较小时得出了宜于数值解的高温喷气流辐射传输方程。

Numerical method is utilized to investigate the effects of discrete micro air injection from casing shroud upstream blade tip leading edge on the rotor tip flow in a low-speed isolated axial compressor rotor at the operating condition near stall point.


The influence of air injection on the performance of compressor is analyzed by altering the mass flow rate, injection angle, yaw angle and collocation of injectors.


In this paper,The effect of air injection on the resistance reduction of stepped planing boat by the several selected combinations of 2 longitudinal centers of gravity,2 forms of step,2 forms of spray strip,5 air flow rates,is investigated experimentally.

StateLaboratoryofHydrodynamicsofChina本文通过2种重心位置、2种断阶方式、2种防溅条形式、5种喷气流量的选择组合 ,研究了在断级滑行艇上气层减阻的实施途径及效果。
