The effect of different phase states of Al2O3 particles on their optical properties was analyzed when the particles flowed and were cooled in exhaust plume.
Numerical modeling of infrared radiation properties of exhaust plume by the Discrete Ordinates Method in body-fitted coordinates;
In this paper, the spectral analysis has been performed on the infrared radiation character- istics of engine exhaust plume.
At the same time,the finite element method(FEM) combined with domain pision method is used in missile simulating the infrared spectral radiation field of boosting stage of exhaust plume with scattering particles.
The effect of rocket plume produced by propellants with different components on electromagnetic wave propagation was introduced.
Influence of pressure of environment on conductivity of solid rocket exhaust plume;
The characteristic parameters for dusty plasmas of rocket exhaust plume and polar mesosphere are estimated and analyzed based on their practical data.
An improved near far field pided coupled method was established to investigate the electromagnetic properties of mildly overexpanded and underexpanded rocket exhaust plumes.
建立了一种近 远场分区耦合计算方法来计算中等欠膨胀和过膨胀火箭喷焰的微波衰减特性 。