pitot pressure

  • 翻译:皮托管压力


1)pitot pressure,皮托管压力2)pitot pressure inlet port,皮托管压力进口3)Pitot pressure,皮托压力4)Pitot probe,皮托管,总压力测量管5)Pitot-static tube,皮托-静压管6)total pressure Pitor tube,总压皮托管


Series advanced measurement techniques, such as a bsorptive spectros copy technique,pitot pressure measurement and ion probes are applied to measure properties of free stream in JF10 hydrogen oxygen detonation driven shock tun nel, which can run at high enthalpy condition.


Based on the research on sensitivity of geomagnetic declination on wind measurement by UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle) with Pitot-static tube,mathematical model of wind speed error to effect of geomagnetic declination is set up in virtue of wind measurement theory and error theory.

从无人机(unmanned aerial vehicle,UAV)皮托-静压管测风对磁偏角的敏感性出发,借助无人机皮托-静压管测风原理和误差理论,建立了磁偏角对测风影响的风速误差数学模型;通过仿真,分析了磁偏角对风速测量的影响和误差变化规律,并通过试验数据验证了仿真结论,为磁偏角的校正,提高风速测量精度提供了参考依据。
