lay out

  • 翻译:铺设水带


1)lay out,铺设水带2)stretch,铺设水带3)hose layout,铺设水带线4)running stretch,正铺设水带5)back stretch,反向铺设水带6)laying,铺设7)lay,铺设8)installation,铺设9)placing,铺设10)pipeline laying,管道铺设


The application of self-made track laying machine in tunnel broad sleeper rail;


This paper introduces the improved technique of geotextile laying in outside channel dredging project of Shen-hua Huanghua port.


Tile laying on the surface with a high position,a steep slope and a complex spatial shape,is difficult to the measurement,lofting and cutting of the tiles.


A way is described to lay a shorted track in the railing pision within iron and steel plant and an example is given of whole process from callculation an designing to installation.

介绍了在钢铁厂内铁路曲线上铺设缩短轨的一种方法 ,并提供了一个从计算到设计、施工的实

A jet trencher is the necessary equipment for ocean pipeline installation.


The simple results of research on material, technical properties and method of measurement of the seal membrane used in consolidation by vacuum preloading are summarized in this paper A new technical standard of the seal membrane is introduced And the installation of the seal membrane is presente

针对目前真空排水预压加固中所使用密封膜的材料、性能指标及测试方法存在的不统一情况进行了阐述 ,根据多年的经验对密封膜应具备的标准提出了自己的建议 ;并总结了在真空排水预压加固中如何正确地铺设密封
