airflow rate

  • 翻译:气流速率


1)airflow rate,气流速率2)gas volume per unit time;rate of gas flow,单位气流量,通气速率3)air current speed,气流流速4)gas recovery velocity,采气速率5)generation rate,产气速率6)gas forming rate,发气速率


The problems in the design of smoke prevention compartmentalization,air current speed,tube discharge of smoke in each compartmentalized zone,and natural air replenishment were discussed through the introduction and analysis of the designing principles,criteria,and the operational mode on the occasion of fire.


Investigation on optimized gas recovery velocity of natural gas storage in salt rock layer by numerical simulation;


Compared with the MSW landfill alone, the landfill gas generation rate of MSW co-disposed with sludge was higher by about 30%.

实验结果表明 :在填埋垃圾中添加污泥起到了接种微生物的作用 ,加快了有机垃圾的降解与填埋气的产生 ,产气速率较生活垃圾直接填埋提高3 0 %以上 ;填埋气中CH4 浓度可达到 64% ;与没有添加污泥相比 ,填埋气中CH4 含量有较大幅度的提高 ,有利于填埋气的资源化利用 ,同时也可为污泥的资源化利用提供经济可行的途

Based on research and production of foaming agent ADC,the activating agent selection and the influence of activating agent on the decomposition temperature,the gas forming rate and the gas forming amount of foaming agent ADC are related emphatically.

