blast rate

  • 翻译:鼓风速率


1)blast rate,鼓风速率2)blast rate,鼓风速率<冶>3)blast velocity,鼓风速度4)pod-filling velocity,鼓粒速率5)high-speed centrifugal blower,高速离心鼓风机6)air-blast quick freezing plant,鼓风速冻装置


In the field conditions,dynamic analysis on the weight of the different soybean seed materials accumulation shows that the pod-filling velocity of middle-little seed materials took on a peak curved line of slow-quick-slow,peak value(5-8 mg/d.

在田间条件下,对粒重不同大豆材料的籽粒物质积累动态研究结果表明:中小粒材料鼓粒速率呈慢-快-慢的单峰曲线,鼓粒速率峰值(5~8 mg/d)出现在始粒期后20 d左右,大粒材料鼓粒速率呈双峰曲线,峰值分别出现在始粒期后12,24 d左右,并且第二个峰值(20~27 mg/d)明显高于第一个峰值(12~18 mg/d)。

Aimed at the start-up failure of high-speed centrifugal blower in a WWTP,the failure diagnosis was carried out,and the failure was eliminated successfully,ensuring the normal operation of the equipment.

