
to convert a try

to convert a try

  • 翻译:对方球门线后触地得分


1)to convert a try,对方球门线后触地得分2)to break another's service,因对方发球而得分3)Advancing toward an opponent's goal.,移向对方球门线的4)The quarterback threw a touchdown pass .,四分卫触地得分。5)A touch down scores six points.,触地算得六分。6)the way of get the ball,得球方式


to convert a try


"Running the length of the field, he was able to touch the ball down just in time."


Running the length of the field, he was able to touch down just as the opposing players were about to reach him.


A touchdown counts for six points.


"Points are also scored by kicking the ball over the crossbar between the goal posts (a field goal, 3 points), downing a man with the ball behind his own goal line (a safety, 2 points), and a conversion following a touched own."


(in Rugby football)action by a player of touching down the ball behind the opponents' goal-line,which also entitles his side to a kick at goal


An act of carrying, receiving, or gaining possession of the ball across the opponent's goal line for a score of six points.


"The players try to possess the ball and run or pass it across the opponent's goal line, so as to score a touchdown worth 6 points."


Running the length of the field, he was able to touch the ball down just in time.


"The object of the game is to score points by throwing the ball into the opponent's goal. a player may move the ball by passing or "dribbling", but can not touch the ball with more than one hand at a time,"


(in Rugby football)gain extra points after scoring(a try)by kicking a goa


Johnson took the ball over on a quarterbacksneak quarterbacksneak for a touchdown.


a point is scored by delivering the ball past the goal keeper through the goal posts.


The end gathered in the pass and went over for a touchdown.


His end run scored the winning touchdown (=he ran around one side of the opponent’s team and scored a touchdown).


A goal line stand by the home team held the visitors on the two - yard line.


a score in American football; being in possession of the ball across the opponents' goal line.


A score made on a try for a point or points after a touchdown.

