
single parameter

single parameter

  • 翻译:单参数法


1)single parameter,单参数法2)Single reference state,单参考态3)Single parameter,单参数4)single parameter field,单参数场5)one-parameter group,单参数群6)one parameter family,单参数簇


With this factor, a backpropagation algorithm based on single parameter is sound and quick.

针对前馈神经网络应时变输入的自学习机制 ,采用李雅普诺夫函数来分析权值的收敛性 ,从而揭示 BP神经网络算法朝最小误差方向调整权值的内在因素 ,并在分析单参数 BP算法收敛性基础上 ,提出单参数变调整法则的离散型 BP神经网络算法 。

Single parameter quick search method, an improved BP algorithm based on single parameter coordinate rotated method, is presented in this paper.

提出了一种基于单参数坐标轮换法的改进 BP算法 。

Based on a fibre-bundle surface model using one-parameter groups of a linear Lie algebra as fibres is introduced, a new extended model is proposed using a fibre-bundle of one-parameter groups of a Hamiltonian Lie algebra, which can be used for identification of 3D objects.

