
  • 翻译:


1)sheng(乘),乘2)"cheng",“乘”3)multiplication and multiplicator,乘法乘子4)passengers,乘客5)passenger,乘客6)transfer,换乘


The Errors in the Explanations of the Word Sheng(乘) in Guangya Shuzheng(广雅疏证) and Fangyan Jianshu(方言笺疏);


By analyzing the grapheme and summing up the meaning of the Chinese character"cheng",the authors point out that the original meaning of the character should be"ascend",which corrects its paraphrase in the Chiˉnese Dictionary.

通过对“”字的字形简析和义项归纳 ,“”的本义当为“登、升” ,纠正了《汉语大字典》、《汉语大词典》“”条的释义。

In the article, the author comprehensively describes the multiplication and multiplicator in the Dirichlet Space and draws the conclusion similar to Dirichlet Space, the results of which are theorem 1,2, and 3.

对D irichlet型空间之间的子进行了全面的刻画,得到了与D irichlet空间相类似的结论,并对结果进行了推广。

In view of the line, problems are discussed for evacuating and rescuing passengers from the trains which stop on lines between stations in case of breakdown of engines.


Based on the predecessors analysis about internal factors of Beijing s subway safety, an empirical study on safety awareness of subway passengers is conducted in this paper to ana.


Psychological analyses in isolated passengers during the SARS period;


From the passengers point of view,theoretical and practical researches in urban public transportation were carried out both at home and abroad in the hope to improve the level of services of the urban public transportation systems.


As an important part of traffic information service system,the passenger travel information system plays an important role in satisfying passengers,improving the boarding order and reducing accidents.


Synthetic Evaluation on Transfer of Rail Transit Terminal Based on AHP Method;


Transfer Matrix of Public Transit Network and Algorithm;

