two way array

  • 翻译:二向分类


1)two way array,二向分类2)two way classification,二向分类3)dichroism,二向色性4)two-dimensional stress,二向压力5)two-direction passing through,二向碰穿6)circular dichroism,二向色性7)BRDF,二向反射8)biaxial stress,二向应力9)2-D electrophoresis,二向电泳10)binary partitioning,二向划分


In this paper, using infrared dichroism, the researchers quantitatively analyzed the LC scalar order parameters on the surface of an alignment layer after rubbing treatment.


In the W flat with Weigert effect, both dichroism and birefraction should be showed simultaneously, but the birefraction is neglected generally because of it′s small.


Using KC_4H_5O_6 as solvent,the circular dichroism of K_2Cr_2O_7 solution was measured by optical test apparatus.

通过对酒石酸钾为溶剂的K2C r2O7溶液在不同浓度下的圆二向色性进行测试,显示出该溶液对波长在500nm-700nm范围内的光表现出明显的圆二向色性,而且其圆二向色性随溶液浓度的降低而减弱,同时也发现该溶液的最大吸收波长出现红移现象,波长漂移量可达5。

Using KC4H5O6 as solvent, the circular dichroism of K2Cr2O7 solution was measured by optical test apparatus.


The strength of concrete under biaxial stresses, especially the biaxial compressivestrength,whicl is often used as a very inportant parameter in the theory of reinforced concrete structures,is a key factor for nonlinar analysis of structures.


It was discussed on the extraction,purification of the endosperm proteins and some key technologies of 2-D electrophoresis.


According to the target architecture the HW/SW partitioning can be classfied as binary partitioning, multi-way partitioning and dynamic reconfigurable system partitioning.

