factor set

  • 翻译:因子组


1)factor set,因子组2)factor combination,因子组合3)elementary pisor,初等因子组4)invariant factors,不变因子组5)cytokine combination,细胞因子组合6)Environmental combination,环境因子组合


Based on temperature and rainfall data in Xinhui from 1957 to 2003,the factors which affect durative high temperature weather from June to September are retrieved with the method of factor combination analysis.

利用新会195 7~2 0 0 3年气温和降雨量资料,应用因子组合方法[1] 寻找影响新会6~9月长时间持续高温天气出现的因子。

This study was purposed to explore the effect of different cytokine combinations on the expansion of the mononuclear cells drived from umbilical cord blood (CB) ex vivo and expression of CXCR4 and CD49d on CD34~+ cells after expansion.

