
Chicken Clay Pot

Chicken Clay Pot

  • 翻译:诸诸滑鸡煲


1)Chicken Clay Pot,诸诸滑鸡煲2)sign and matter of every description,诸影诸物3)wind diseases,诸风4)Zhucheng,诸城5)Zhuji,诸暨6)scholars,诸子


The unique contribution of Sun Simiao to the understanding and treatment of wind diseases can be known by classifying and analyzing various wind diseases discussed in the Chapter of Various Wind Diseases of Valuable Prescriptions for Emergency.

通过对《备急千金要方·诸风》篇中诸病的统计和分析 ,可知孙思邈在风病的认识和治疗上有着独到的贡献。

For its unique location advantage,landscape resource and transportation organization,Zhucheng dongguan street can be the most suitable new axis.


In this paper, through the discussion on the issue of land circulation in Zhucheng, the driving factors of land circulation and its problems are analyzed.


Zhucheng is an origination of agricultural integration and one of the better areas.


Exploration on Urban Forestry Establishment in Zhuji, Zhejiang Province;


Zhuji Master Plan of City Administrative Region, which is one of the earliest completed MPCAR in Zhejiang Province, makes an exploration in theaspects of coordination of master plan and land use plan, urban-rural spatial regulation, coordination in planning administration system, and use of GIS technology and so on.


Mode of the relationship between monarch and subject by the scholars of Pre-Qin Days;


The humanist spirit observed in their thoughts has become the main content of humainsm in ancient China, which had been agreed upon by many scholars.

先秦是中国古代文化发展史上的第一个黄金时期 ,从西周“礼乐文化”的兴盛 ,到春秋战国诸子百家的兴起 ,其思想闪耀着几千年的历史光辉 ,尤其是其中所蕴涵的人文精神 ,已经成为中国古代“人文主义”的主要内容 ,这已为大多数学者所认同。

Wandering Arthritis and Apoplexy in the Han and Jin Dynasties;


"When he made a weight for the wind, measuring out the waters;"


If trials continue successfully,


An investigation of Chixiao in Bin Feng as a Signifier and Its Possible Signified


Whenever I go for a ride, I leave my worries behind.


Review of Domestic Architecture with Geomancy Related Aspects Over the Last 10 Years;


A Development of the Old Poetic Style of Five-characters-verses:One of Notes on Du Fu s Poetry;


Wind and rain are no strangers to Massachusetts, but this rain was torrential and unrelenting.


In the factors influencing the secure operation of wind farm, the lightning stroke is an important one.


Send thy angry storm, dark with death, if it is thy wish, and with lashes of lightning startle the sky from end to end.


All his work came to naught when the storm destroyed his crops.


Zhuge Liang, who was versed in meteorology, did some careful observation and came to the conclusion that there would soon be a southeasterly wind.

诸葛亮熟谙天文气象,经过仔细观察后预料: “甲子”日将有东南风。

The Evolution of Landscape and Greenway Planning in the USA at the University of Massachusetts -- Amherst (1970 to date)


Beauty in Being Concerned for the Whole World--Analysis of Aesthetic Value and Ironic Style of Zhujiang Five Poems by Du Fu;


An Analysis of Developing Features of Musical Culture in the Song Dynasty;


The Unusual Entity In Da Li Period──on the Style and Features of Wei Ying-wu’s poetry;


Plans for risk reduction have been completed or are being implemented and have substantially reduced the risk to the public.

减少风险的方案亦已一一备妥或付诸实行。 这些措施大大减少市民承受的风险。

With the lapse of time, the genre can express the features of times, a nation and a region even the spirit of them best.

风俗与世推移,风俗画在诸画种当中,当然最 能道出时代与民族、区域的面貌以至精神了。
