Fill in

  • 翻译:填充(式)


1)Fill in,填充(式)2)filling-up,填充式3)stuffed Whipple shield,填充式防护4)filling experiment,“填充式”实验5)reference,“齐合填充式”6)packed heat insulation,填充式绝热7)loosely filled insulation,填充式保温8)filling electrolytic cell,填充式电解槽9)filled Skutterudite compounds,填充式Skutterudite化合物10)filled skutterudite compound,填充式skutterudite化合物


The article analyzes the formal feature of the filling-up catch word,and the change of semantic feature,which is from singulary to gapping and to generalization.


Using the gridless smooth particle hydrodynamic(SPH)numerical technique of AUTODYN-2D hydrocode, the normal impact of monolithic,Whipple,all aluminum and stuffed Whipple shield by spherical aluminum projectile are simulated.

结果表明,在相同面密度条件下,填充(式)防护结构抗空间碎片的效能最佳,Whipple 防护结构较差,双层铝防护结构介于两者之间,整体式结构最差。

The filled Skutterudite compounds (Ce, La)_yFe_xCo_(4-x)Sb_(12) with x=1.


Single\|phase filled skutterudite compounds,Ce y Fe x Co 4-x Sb 12 ( x=0—3 0,y=0—0 74 ),were synthesized by a melting method.

用熔融法合成了单相填充(式)skutterudite化合物CeyFexCo4 -xSb12 (x =0— 3 0 ,y =0— 0 74) 。

The filled Skutterudite compounds attract aboard attention owing to their high mobilities and relatively large Seebeck coefficients in the middle temperature range of 600-800K.


The effect of density on the thermoelectric properties of the filled skutterudite compound La 0.

致密度对填充(式)skutterudite化合物La0 75Fe3CoSb1 2 ZT值关系影响不明
