
  • 翻译:催眠剂


1)hypnotic,催眠剂2)somnifacient,催眠剂3)soporific,催眠剂4)hypnagogue,催眠剂5)Subhypnotic,亚催眠剂量6)hypnotic,催眠7)Hypnosis,催眠8)hypnotic activity,催眠9)hypnogenesis,催眠10)mesmerize,催眠


Dose-response relationship of midazolam on hypnotic end point;


Results RJS liquid could inhibit the motor response of mice induced by am- phetamine,and has sedative and hypnotic effect on mi.


Pharmacological Study on Sedation and Hypnosis Effect of Bark of Silktree Albizziae and Bark of Silktree Albizziae kalkora;


Methods After the establishment of the mice model of hypnosis and analgesia by intraperitoneal injection(ip)of appropriate doses of isoflurane or sevoflurane, the different doses of nicotine were injected intra-cerebroventricularly(icv) or intrathecally(it) and then their effects were observed on the sleeping time(ST), the pain threshold in hot-.

目的探讨神经元烟碱受体(neuronal nicotinic acetyl-choline receptors,nnAChRs)与异氟烷、七氟烷催眠和镇痛作用的关系。

Methods After having established the mice model of hypnosis and analgesia by intraperitoneally(ip)injected appropriate doses of enflurane,isoflurane and sevoflurane,different doses of AMPA were we intracerebroventricularly(icv)or intrathecally(it)injected,then the effects on the sleep time(ST)were observed by using hypn.

目的探讨AMPA(α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isox-azolepropionic acid,AMPA)对吸入麻醉药恩氟烷、异氟烷、七氟烷催眠、镇痛作用的影响。

The effects of receptor agonist and antagonist on hypnotic activity of melatonin were studied in the paper.


The dissertation mainly studied the influences of circadian rhythm system and GABAergic system on hypnotic activity of melatonin.


The effects of receptor agonist and antagonist on hypnotic activity of melatonin were studied in the paper.

