
  • 翻译:磋商程序


1)Consideration,磋商程序2)negotiation,磋商3)consultation,磋商4)upward negotiation,磋商升级5)trade consultation,贸易磋商6)Negotiation model,磋商模型


We also should participate actively in the negotiation with all parties according to the dispute settlement procedures.


Through an analysis of the kinds of language behavior considered important for language acquisition such as students use of language items from dictogloss text, negotiation of language items and students participation in terms of quantity of student talk in completing the task, this paper undertakes an empirical study of the effectiveness of dictogloss in creating conditions for English learning.

本文通过分析整体听写活动过程中出现的有利于语言习得的行为表征 ,即目标项目的反复使用、对语言项目的磋商以及以学生话语输出量为衡量标准的学生参与情况 ,探讨整体听写活动为英语学习创造有利条件的作

This essay analyzes the definition and new features of Chinese foreign trade frictions,then illustrates to establish and utilize a kind of consultation mechanism can be an effective countermeasure to China.


Economic power play a very important role in stages of consultation、mediation and intervene.


The international organizations subject position has gotten confirmation under the modern pattern of international law, and many international organizations and non-governmental organizations have accumulated rich practice experience in their effective consultation and cooperation.


Most SSL/TLS-based security applications adopt two strategies:the separate port strategy and the upward negotiation strategy.


This paper expounds the concept, definition and features of the in te lligent agent and its application, analyzes and probes into the intelligent agen t based on E-commerce from aspects of the application structure, value chain mo de and trade consultation, etc.

