
develop urban and rural markets

develop urban and rural markets

  • 翻译:开拓城乡市场


1)develop urban and rural markets,开拓城乡市场2)Development,开拓3)exploit,开拓4)develop,开拓5)opening up,开拓6)exploitation,开拓7)prolongation,开拓8)deploitation,开拓9)development system,开拓系统10)expanding design,开拓设计


Traditional Development and Evolution to the Poetic Styles of Yong Shi Poem——Discussion on Zuo Si s Eight Pieces of Yong Shi Poems;


On the succession and development of The Book of Songs by Ji Kang s four-character poems;


Traditional Development and Changes to the Poetry:Discusses Ji Kang’Si Yan Poem;


Appropriate method and measure can efficiently help electric power enterprises exploit the electric power market and the development of enterprises.


So,it has great practical significance to exploit the consumable market in the cnunt.


As the further plying of marketing economy,sincere and truthful image is demanded to keep and develop the market for the products.

文中重点介绍了四八○七工厂在树立企业诚信形象活动中做到的“五个坚持” ,同时也提出了巩固已有市场、开拓新的市场需进行的“四个加强”。

It develops a new way that may rich teaching process.

从一种力学模拟导出了绝热过程方程 ,开拓了另一条途径 ,丰富了教学过

The present situation of rural market in our country shows that developing rural market still faces many difficulties.


In teaching prose, we must pay attention to opening up prose s inner meanings, for it is useful to enrich students vocabulary, to cultivate their language sense and to lay good foundation for their writing.

教学散文时注意开拓散文意境 ,有利于丰富学生的语汇 ,培养语感 ,还能为学生写作奠定基础。

The Present Situation and Exploitation of Inbound Tourist Source Market of Jiangxi Province;


Determination of development system in Axi Gold Mine;


Selection of development system in Xinli mine field of Cangshang Gold Mine;


The demand of judging the feasibility and scientific of expanding design is wether the plan can fit the natural geological conditions.

