
transformation of scientific and technological achievements

transformation of scientific and technological achievements

  • 翻译:科技成果转化


1)transformation of scientific and technological achievements,科技成果转化2)transformation of S&T achievements,科技成果转化3)transformation of sci-tech achievements,科技成果转化4)technology transfer,科技成果转化5)transition of science and technology achievement,科技成果转化6)the ratio of the transfer of scientific and technological achievements of colleges and universities,科技成果转化率


Identification of the knowledge structure of the transformation of scientific and technological achievements based on gray correlation analysis;


Analysis of the legal environment demand of transformation of scientific and technological achievements in colleges and universities;


This paper based on the theory of risk management and analyses the risk characteristic of transformation of scientific and technological achievements.


The article combines practise in the transformation of S&T achievements,and studies literature for transformation of S&T achievements mechanism in developed countries.


The article analyzed the transformation of S&T achievements in the military Medical Universities has been existing primary factors: policy, fund, item itself and services angency in S&T.


To speed up the transformation of S&T achievements in universities of Hubei Province has practical significance.


This paper analyzes the factors hindering and restricting the transformation of university’s sci-tech achievements, and advances some suggestions on promoting the transformation of sci-tech achievements to speed up the transformation of university’s sci-tech achievements into real productivity.


The University-Industry-Science Partnership is a path to the transformation of Sci-Tech achievements and an active demand for its Sci-Tech work serving for economic and social development.


Analysis of impediments for research institute in the process of technology transfer;


Based on a large number of literature review,it critically looks at the research advancement of university technology transfer from 1994 to 2002 in China.


Then, it is worth to think about how to consider the relation between technology transfer and society or economic.


The thesis researches the transition of science and technology achievement from incentive economics.

本文针对目前科技成果转化率低的现状 ,引入激励经济学的思想探讨解决转化工作中的激励不足问题 ,从分析具体的激励模型入手 ,并进行模型的推广应用 ,通过选择性的讨论 ,针对科技成果转化的具体问题提出激励机制设计思想和政策建议。

Based on traditional incentive model and modern incentive theories,the article brings forward a series of suggestions to incite those who are the transition of science and technology achievements,such as different salary structure for different work, different award for different reuirements,combining encouragement with performance and establishing scientific and fair evaluating system.


The thesis researches the transition of science and technology achievement from incentive economics.

本文针对目前科技成果转化率低的现状 ,引入激励经济学的思想探讨转化工作的规律。

To Innovate the Management and Accelerate the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements;

创新科技成果管理 加速科技成果转化

transfer of scientific and technological achievements


Strengthening Scientific Research Administration and Promoting the Transformation of Achievement;

强化科研管理 促进科技成果转化

The Commercialization of Scientific and Technological Achievements and the Exploitation of Information Resource of Science and Technology;


Transformation of Scientific Research Achievements in Colleges and Universities and Industrial Applicationof New and High Technologies;


Financing Pattern Research for Technology Transformation in Research Institute;


Transforming Mechanism of S&T Achievements in Military Colleges and Universities of Technology;


Implement of Rural Technical Contract to Promote the Translation of Technology Achievement into Agriculture Productivity;

实施农村技术承包 促进科技成果转化

Practise Technical Combination; Put forward the Transformation of Medical Technology Achievement;

实行技术协作 推动医药科技成果转化

Developing the Technical Broker Estate and Promoting the Transformation of the Scientific and Technical Products;


Establishing Technical Innovation Alliance,Promoting Science Technology Achievement Transformation

建立技术创新联盟 促进科技成果转化

Study on the Mode of Capitalization of Conversion Agricultural Scientific and Technological Results;


Standardization is the Bridge and Boat of Science and Technology Achievement Transformation;


Study on transform and industrialization approach of agricultural technology production;


Strengthening the Transformation of Sci - tech Achievements and Promoting the Prosperity of Rural Economy;

强化科技成果转化 促进农村经济繁荣

Vigorously Developing the Intermediary Organizations for Science and Technology to Promote the Conversion of Scientific and Technological Achievements of University;

大力发展科技中介 促进高校科技成果转化

The Mode Research of Scientific Achievements Transformation of the Small and Medium Tech-enterprises


The Study of the Knowledge Management of the Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievement and Its Advice;

