
famous brand high-quality products

famous brand high-quality products

  • 翻译:名优产品


1)famous brand high-quality products,名优产品2)famous actor;famous high quality brand,名优3)Famous quality green tea,名优绿茶4)famous liquor,名优白酒5)famous and precious green tea,名优绿茶6)famous green tea,名优绿茶7)Famous tea,名优茶8)excellent Camellia,名优茶花9)famous and high-quality fruit,名优水果10)quality local product,名优特产


The results showed that brown color and astringent tast could be overcame and famous quality green tea could be processed using shoots from bushes of Yunnandaye variety by measrues of plucking tender shoots, spreading properly, fixing at high temperature and shorting time, rolling rationally and drying at right temperature.


The correlations of production techniques of traditional famous liquor and new craft liquor were introduced briefly in this paper.


By using the famous and precious green tea(as material which) made of one bud and one leaf in Spring in the improved variety tea plant of Chenzhou of Hunan Province,and choosing the keeping fresh agents with the function of absorbing the water and getting rid of the oxygen,three months of damaged storing experiments aim at screening the high efficient keeping fresh agents for the tea.

为筛选出名优绿茶高效复合保鲜剂 ,以湖南郴州茶树良种示范场春季 1芽 1叶加工而成的名优绿茶为原料 ,选择去湿除氧的保鲜剂对其进行破坏性贮藏 3个月 ,从感官品质 ,生化成分 ,物理性状 ,儿茶素组分四方面比较分析了各保鲜剂的保鲜效果 。

Contents of polyphenols, amino acids and soluble sugars in eight kinds of famous green tea (FGT) made of the same leaf were analysed.


The aroma constituents in eight kinds of famous green tea (FGT) made from the same kind of leaves were analyzed by GC and GCMS.


During famous green tea leaves (one leaf and a bud, Fuding dabai) spreading, fresh tea leaves and spreaded tea leaves which contain nearly 74%、72%、70%、68% and 66% water were fixed with liquid nitrogen and freeze-dried.


Since 1984 , Henan province has taken full advantage of its natural resource of tea, carried out the strategy of developing famous tea, popularized Xinyangmaojian tea-making technology and developed actively the new famous tea with local characteristics.

1984年以来,河南省充分利用茶叶生产的自然资源优势,实施名优茶战略,推广信阳毛尖生产技术,积极研制开发具有地方特色的新名茶,形成了信阳毛尖为主、新名茶为辅,少量炒青、蒸青的茶类格局;并从 1994年开始试验研究推广名优茶特别是信阳毛尖的机械化加工技术,信阳毛尖茶的加工制作逐步形成了传统手工炒制法、半手工半机械制作法和机械化加工法三种方式,部分茶厂实现了连续化不落地生产、燃料使用清洁能源天然气,实现了清洁生产,达到国内先进水平;仰天雪绿、金刚碧绿、桐柏(水濂)玉叶等名优茶的机械化加工率已达到 100%。

The key techniques of fast propagation of large sized excellent Camellia were suitable cultivar scions,rejuvenation before grafting,moisture kept for callus,shaping and pruning and management of fertilizers and water after grafting.

