
Qingci Huadiao(5 Years) Medium Sweet

Qingci Huadiao(5 Years) Medium Sweet

  • 翻译:青瓷五年


1)Qingci Huadiao(5 Years) Medium Sweet,青瓷五年2)the Youths of the May Fourth Era,五四青年3)new youth in the May 4th Movement,五四新青年4)Youth Day,五四青年节5)dated Ming blue-and-white porcelain,明代纪年青花瓷6)5. Protect the youth.,五曰保护青年。


It describes reading life of young people of the May Fourth Era, and researches how reading activity moulded the Youths of the May Fourth Era.


You see, there are Women's Day on March 3rd, Youth's Day on May 4th, and Children's Day on June 1st.


The Renaissance Society: The Trial of Young Intellectual s Mastering the Modern Mass Media in the May 4th Movement;


commemorate May 4tb Youth Day


Forty is the old age of youth, fifty is the youth of old age.


May 4th is Youth Day.


The Struggle of the May Fourth Movement Youth and History Mission of Contemporary Youth;


The spirit of the May 4 th Movement is the Chinese youth's heirloom.


What role have China's young people played since the May 4th Movement?


Mental Outlook of May 4th Youth and Part-Time Schooling Mutual Assistance;


Assessment of the "Re-assessment of All Values";


"May Fourth Movement"Spirit and Historical Duty of Youth of Times;


The Influence of the May 4~(th) New Cultural Movement on the Youth of Mao Zedong;


Mao Tsetung in his Youth and the Women s Liberation in Hunan Province During the May 4th Movement;


The Relation Between La Jeunesse s Role and Split of the May 4 th Union;


The New Cultural Context of the May 4th of 1919 and the Poem Translation of the New Youth


Marxism and the Young Intelletuals in the Period of May 4th Movement-in commemoration of the 80th anniversary of May 4th Movement;


Spirit of May 4th Movement and Contemporary Youth;


In the May Fourth Movement, enlighted young people carried the burden of saving the country.

五四时期, 进步青年担当起了救亡图存的重任。
