- 词根:tang, tact, ting (tig, tag) = to tuouch
- 词根:tend, tens, tent = to stretch(伸)
- 词根:tempor = time, age, season
- 词根:troph = to nourish
- 词根:tri, trit = to rub(擦)
- 词根:tribut = to give, to pay(给予)
- 词根:tenu = thin(细薄)
- 词根:tom = to cut 切
- 词根:tain, ten, tin, tent = hold 握, 持, 守
- 词根:techo, techn(o) = art/ skill 技艺 / 技术
- 词根:tard = slow
- 词根:trud, trus = to thrust, to push(推, 插入)
- 词根:therm(o) = hot/heat 热/热的
- 词根:terg, ters = 擦, 除掉
- 词根:tir = 拉, 引
- 词根:top = 地方
- 词根:toler = endure 容忍
- 词根:tox = poison 毒
- 词根:ton, tun = sound, tone 声, 音调
- 词根:the, theo = god 神
- 词根:trop = turn 转
- 词根:torn, tour, tourn = turn 转动
- 词根:tent, tempt, emp, temp = to try 尝试, to touch 触摸
- 词根:tuit, tut = look after, protect 照管, 监护
- 词根:temper = moderate, mix, strecth 节制, 调节, 混合
- 词根:tric (trig) = trifle 琐碎
- 前缀:twi-
- 前缀:tra-, trans-
- 前缀:tri-
- 前缀:tetr-
- 词根:-tim-
- 前缀:ter-
- 词根:-tut-, -tuit-
- 词根:-trem-
- 词根:-turb-, -turbul-
- 词根:-tract-
- 词根:-tribu-, -tribut-
- 词根:-ton-
- 词根:-tort-
- 词根:-tour-
- 词根:-toler-
- 词根:-tom-
- 词根:-therm-, -thermo-
- 词根:-test-
- 词根:-text-
- 词根:-terr-
- 词根:-temp-
- 词根:-tend-, -tent-, -tens-
- 词根:-term-, -termin-
- 词根:-tel-, -tele-
- 词根:-err-
- 词根词缀:skel-, scel-
- 词根词缀:ophthalmo-, ophthalm-, -ophthalmia, -ophthalmic, -ophthalmos
- 前缀:ke-, ker-
- 词根:obes = fat (肥)
- 前缀:amph-, amphi-
- 词根词缀:rotundi-, rotundo-, rotund-
- 词根:plaud, plaus(plod, plos, plex) = strike(打, 击), clap鼓掌
- 词根:-laps-
- 词根词缀:hepta-, hept-