词根词缀:vagino-, vagin-

【来源及含义】Latin: originally, "sheath, scabbard, the husk of grain"; in medical science, the vagina or lowest part of the female genital tract, the canal that leads from the vulva to the uterus

【相关词根词缀】;A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, indirectly, or partially with: "opening, hole, cavity, tract": ;alveolo-,antro-,anu-,celo-,coelio-,concho-,fenestra-,hernio-,hiat-,meato-,ora-,parieto-,poro-,pyl-, pyle-,pylor-,sphinctero-,splanchn-,stomato-,syringo-,uretero-,urethro-,ventricul-.

【同源单词】evaginate, vagina, vaginae, vaginal, vaginalectomy, vaginapexy