
stationary electromagner

stationary electromagner

  • 翻译:定子电磁铁组


1)stationary electromagner,定子电磁铁组2)stator,定子3)determinant,定子4)sta,定子5)pump ring,定子6)stator copper,定子铜,定子铜线7)stator iron,定子铁,定子铁心8)rotor stator,定子变频9)stator rubber,定子橡胶10)stator core,定子铁芯


The comprehensive performance of screw pump's stator in heavy oil sand-carrying cold production will be improved by adding zinc oxide whiskers;


Improve the quality of the stator cooling water, ensuring the generating units safe and economic operation;


The assembly techniques and structure characteristic of the generator stator in Dachaoshan hydro-power station;


Influence of stator rubber plumping of screw pumps on volume efficiency and countermeasures;


The stator of the general single progressive cavity pump is studied in this paper,using finite element analyzing software,at 5 MPa uniformity pressure of the stator,which concluded the stress,the strain and inner-figure deformation of the progressive cavity pump stator,the stator rubber and the stator steel thimble.

利用ANSTYS有限元分析软件对常规单螺杆泵的定子进行研究,在定子承受5 MPa均匀压力作用下,得出了定子、定子橡胶和定子钢套的应力、应变和内轮廓的变形量;分析了常规单螺杆泵定子变形的特点及规律。

Among the problems of rod string, broken is the most severest problem, and among the problems of pump, leakage that mainly due to the damages of the stator rubber and broken of the rotor takes the largest proportion.


Loose abrasion of the stator core in generator and repair technology of the rod insulation abrasion;


The paper introduces how to use multi station progressive die with high precision to manufacture stator core and rotor core of square stepping dynamotor.


In the overhaul the great accidents have come out because of the stator core becaming flexible and producing noise.

山西神头二电厂安装的 2台 5 0 0MW发电机在运行过程中都出现过定子铁芯松动产生异音的重大事故。
