
graying out effect

graying out effect

  • 翻译:白化现象


1)graying out effect,白化现象2)whitening,白化3)Albino,白化4)bleaching,白化5)albinism,白化6)Whiten,白化


Generalized whitening method based on fractional order spectrum in the frequency domain;


Through robust whitening process and resolving optimization problem, the covolutive blind speech source separaton is realized.


In this paper, the feasibility of applying the grey model to obtaining the interpolation in dynamic measurement is analyzed, and a method is put forward to make interpolating prediction using the grey prediction model derived from the whitening of dynamic measurement errors according to the principles of grey modeling theory.

根据灰色建模机理和特点 ,分析动态测量中灰色模型插值的可行性 ,提出动态测量误差白化生成的灰色预测模型用于插值预报的方法。

Preliminary Study on Gene Expression Differences between Normal Leaves and Albino Leaves of Anji Baicha (Camellia sinensis cv. Baiye1);


Genetical Analysis of Albino Lemma and Violet Auricle of Flag Leaf in Two-row Barley;


Using electron microscope, we found that rice albino mutant Osalb23 had no thylakoid inside the chloroplast, only some empty vesicles could be observed (Fig.


Progress of adaptive mechanism of coral and symbiotic algae during bleaching;


Relationship Between the Albinism of Somatic Embryo and Plant Regeneration in Gossypium hirsutum L.;


In March,2006,a case of albinism female Rhinolophus cornutus was discovered in a cave of Tianpu,Xinxian,Xinyang,Henan.

2006年3月在河南省信阳市新县田铺乡发现1只白化雌性角菊头蝠Rhinolophus cornutus,为中国首次报道。

Firstly, the mixture signals are whiten so that the scatter plot of which is changed into the scatter plot when they are independent, and then the scatter plot of whiten signals is rotated by C ~2 n times Givens t.


At first,the mixture matrix is changed into orthogonal matrix by using whitened mixture signals.

该算法先采取白化混叠信号将混叠矩阵转换为正交矩阵 ,然后基于QR分解理论 ,将混叠信号进行一系列初等旋转变换 ,并结合源信号相互独立时互信息量最小的特点 ,导出了一种新的自适应盲分离算法 。
