
virus resistance breeding

virus resistance breeding

  • 翻译:病毒抗性育种


1)virus resistance breeding,病毒抗性育种2)antiviral breeding,抗病毒育种3)powdery mildew resistant breeding,白粉病抗性育种4)resistant breeding,抗病育种5)breeding for disease resistance,抗病育种6)disease resistance breeding,抗病育种


Post-transcriptional gene silencing and tobacco antiviral breeding;


This article elaborated Dingxi in the pea root rot research and the disease-resistant breeding progress,introduced the Gansu middle area pea root rot s main pathogenic bacteria is the root-rot syndrome which the eggplant fusarium(Fusarium solani(Mars) Sacc),the pea silk pouch mildew(Aphanomyces euteiches) and so on eight kind of cause of disease fungi compound invade dye cause.

论述了定西在豌豆根腐病研究及抗病育种的进展,介绍了甘肃中部地区豌豆根腐病的主要致病菌是茄镰刀菌(Fusarium solani(Mars)Sacc)、豌豆丝囊霉(Aphanomyces euteiches)等8种病原真菌复合侵染引起的根腐综合症;通过选育抗(耐)根腐病品种是解决问题最经济有效环保的措施,先后培育出了不同生态类型的豌豆品种定豌1号到定豌5号,基本解决了生产中因根腐病导致的减产、绝收现象,这些品种在甘肃中部、宁夏南部的旱地农业生产中发挥了重要作用。

In order to know more about this method and offer some clues to the molecular breeding for disease resistance,some relative candidate genes,such as receptor genes,immunity relative genes and signal transmission genes were overviewed in this paper.


The researches of TCN control,mainly including chemical control and breeding for disease resistance were reviewed in this article.


The article reports the Interferon Gene NRAMP Gene, SLA Gene,FUT1 Gene, prospects the better applying in breeding for disease resistanc


This article expatiates the genetic foundation of disease resistance,present situation and question of method of breeding for disease resistance,and linkages the application of disease resistance breeding of livestock and poultry.


Carrot Diseases and Development of Breeding for Diseases Resistances


A STUDY OF BASIC THEORY OF RICE ANTHER CULTURE BREEDING FOR BLAST RESISTANCE--Effect of rice anther culture breeding for disease resistance


Studies on breeding for disease resistance in non heading Chinese cabbage Ⅷ. Breeding of two new varieties Dwarf Resistant No. 5 and Dwarf Resistant No.6

不结球白菜抗病育种的研究 Ⅷ.矮抗五号和矮抗六号新品种的选育

Establishment of Rice Blast Nursery and Evaluation on Screening and Breeding for Blast Resistance in Rice (Oryza Sativa L.);


Studies on Disease Resistance in Rice Breeding V.Analysis of Blast-Resistant Genes of Rice Variety Zhong-Dan No.2


Research Progress on Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Disease and Resistance Breeding


Research Progress on Resistance Breeding of Tomato Late Blight and Molecular Biology


Resistance Breeding-Best Strategy of Control Leaf Spot Diseases on Maize


STUDIES ON DISEASES RESISTANCE IN RICE BREEDING Ⅰ.Blast resistance of ken rice and the release of Zhong-dan No. 1 No. 2 and No. 3

水稻抗病育种研究 Ⅰ.粳稻的抗瘟性和中丹1号、2号、3号的育成

Breeding of a new resistant seedless watermelon variety Zhengkang 5503


Breeding for the Disease-Resistant Seedless Grape Novel Varities and Innovating of New Germplasms Using Embryo Rescue;


Breeding of New Hybrid Pepper Variety Shenjiao 6 with Early Maturity and Disease Resistance


Molecular Marker-Assisted Selection for Wheat Disease Resistance;


Research Progress on Resistance with Fusarium and Verticillium Wilts of Hebei Province Cotton Breeding


Breeding Reports of New Variety of Soybean-Suinong 25 with High Yield and Disease Resistance


Research Progress on the Disease Resistance,Breeding and Rapid Propagation of Zantedeschia hybrida


Breeding of Disease Resistance and High Yield New Cotton Variety Jimian 3927

抗病 高产棉花新品种冀3927的选育

Breeding of a new super sweet corn variety "Zhengtian 68" with high yield, elite quality and diseases resistance

