The quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for low-temperature vigor of germination (LVG) with a germination period of 7 d, 11 d, 14 d, and 17 d at 14℃ was identified using F2:3 population, which included 200 inpiduals and lines derived from a cross of indica and japonica “Milyang 23/Jileng 1” with microsatellite markers.
Quantitative trait loci (QTL) controlling low temperature germinability (LTG) in rice were identified (using) 81 recombinant inbreed lines (RILs) derived from a cross between a japonica variety Kinmaze and an indica variety DV85.
以Kinmaze(粳稻 ) /DV85 (籼稻 )的重组自交系F10 世代群体检测了影响水稻低温发芽力性状的数量性状基因座 (QTL)。
A double haploid population (DH) with 198 lines, derived from anther culture of F_ 1 hybrid between indica line Zhenshan 97B and japonica perennial rice line AAV002863 was used to construct a linkage map with 140 SSR markers and to investigate the low temperature germinability (LTG).
Detection and analysis of QTL for germination rate at low temperature in rice(Oryza sativa L.)using backcross inbred lines;
利用N ipponbare/Kasalath//N ipponbare回交重组自交系群体,对贮藏在低温(4℃)和室温条件下的种子进行低温发芽率的观察和统计分析,利用W indows QTL Cartographer 1。
the suitable temperature (13)to evaluate to evaluate low-temperature germination ability of different ecotype cucumber cultivars is determined.
Effect of germinating temperature and germplasms on germination of Radix Bupleuri seeds;