The splitting of the fibers was thereby accomplished by chemical, thermal or mechanical procedures.
The numerical examples show that the method can model vividly shear wave splitting etc.
Since Freud,many theorists have fueled the project with their own insights and all,in one way or another,point to the splitting and the fictional nature of the subject.
The Fission Results and Index System of Atomic Orbital and Atomic Spectrum in Various Symmetry Groups;
Whether the moral personality is unified or not,it has "the fission theory","hypocritical theory" and "the unification theory".
Effect of ECNM (extract of cerebellum of newborn mouse) on pision and proliferation of neural stem cell in adult mouse brain;
On the Reasons of the Division between Science Culture and Humanity Culture;
Uniform design, a new test design method, was adopted to evaluate and study the effects of electric field stimulus and other four factors in culture on the pision frequency of protoplasts of cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.
It was argued that the crisis of fragmentation in psychology was an irrefutable fact in that (a) there was not any common ground or a common starting point in psychology hitherto, and (b) different branches of psychology were threatening to break up the discipline of psychology.
在心理学的分裂与整合问题上 ,西方心理学家一直争论不休。
There is indeed a crisis of fragmentation in psychology.
对心理学分裂危机的忧虑并非杞人忧天 ,心理学家由于缺乏一个共同的基础而陷入破碎和分裂之中 ,其它学科的蚕食也对心理学的存在构成威胁。
The Sino-Soviet Relationship from Alliance and Mutual Assistance to Split and Hostility (1945-1960);
This paper proposes and investigates fast variable size block motion estimation algorithm based on merge and split procedures based on H.
Electron has split space and made it anomorphic and unmethodical.