
  • 翻译:腹叶


1)neuropodium,腹叶2)Athlophorus,狭腹叶蜂属3)ventral prostate,前列腺腹叶4)Pristiphora Erichsoni Hartig,落叶松红腹叶蜂5)Macrophya pilotheca Wei et Ma,缨鞘宽腹叶蜂


Fourteen species of the genus Athlophorus Burmeister have been recorded from China, in which 4 species are described as new to science: A.

厘订了中国狭腹叶蜂属种类 ,共报道 14种 ,其中包括 4新种 :黄氏狭腹叶蜂AthlophorushuangaeWeietNie,sp 。

The prostatic tissues were prepared forHistochemical staining at lth,2th,3th,6th and 12th weeks after treatmented,Enzyme Histochemicalmethod was used to demonstrate acid phosphatase (ACP) in the rat ventral prostate.


Study on Biological Characteristics and Control of Pristiphora Erichsoni Hartig;


Macrophya pilotheca Wei et Ma is a serious leaf-eating pest of Ligustrum guihoui Carr.

缨鞘宽腹叶蜂 (MacrophyaPilotheca WeietMa) 是小叶女贞的主要食叶害虫 ,在江西、湖南一年发生一代 ,以老熟幼虫在土中作土室越冬 ,翌年 3月下旬开始化蛹 ,4月中旬开始羽化 ,5月上旬初出现幼虫 ,幼虫 2 4d后开始到土中越夏 ,此虫在城市园林的绿篱中发生严重 ,该幼虫常为鸟类和胡蜂所猎食 ,采用敌敌畏 1 0 0 0~ 1 5 0 0倍或久效磷 1 5 0 0~ 2 0 0 0倍或敌百虫 1 0 0 0~ 1 5 0 0倍 ,防治效果可达 90 %以上。
