Relationships between snow/wind damage and tree species as well as forest types in secondary forests;
Major forest types in fire danger and combustibility in Eastern Liaoning Peninsula areas;
Four different forest types in Xiaokeng forestry farm,Nanling mountains,South China,were investigated and some soil samples were obtained with a simple sampling method from the four forest types.
The soil microbial gene persity for soil organic carbon degradation in different forest types;
The results showed that there were 7 main frequent forest types.
Study on forest fuel and classification of fire disk level of stand type;
On the basis of the actual material and data from three gold deposits(Changkeng, Gaolong and Guoti) in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces of China, we suggested that within the sediment-hosted micro-disseminated-type(Carlin-type) gold deposits, there is a subtype which could be called silicalite-type gold deposit.
根据广东和广西 3个金矿床 (长坑 ,高龙和果提 )的资料认为 ,微细浸染型金矿 (卡林型金矿 )中存在一种亚类 ,叫做硅质岩型金矿。
It may be correlated to Carlin-type gold deposit.
笔者认为新发现的川西北某金矿床与热液浸染交代的卡林型金矿床类型可以类比 ,成矿受断裂、破碎带控制 ;赋矿层主要为危关群泥灰岩 ;自然金呈微细粒和显微细粒赋存于黄铁矿、毒砂及褐铁矿之中。
Samples of zonal pyrite collected from the Carlin-type gold deposits in southern Guizhou Province were examined by using electron microprobe and three kinds of pyrite have been classi-fied.
In this paper an integrated geological and geochemical comparison is made of Carlin-para-Carlin type gold deposits in the South Qinling with their associated hydrothermal sedimentary lead-zinc deposits, the Carlin type gold deposits in the Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi gold triangle, China, the Carlin gold deposit, Carlin, western United States, and the Muruntau type gold deposit in Uzbekistan.