
overall ploughing

overall ploughing

  • 翻译:全面翻耕


1)overall ploughing,全面翻耕2)ploughing to replace surface soil with subsoil,全耕翻3)all-round cultivator,全面耕耘机4)tilling,翻耕5)Ploughing['plauiŋ],耕翻6)Tillage,翻耕


The following text prefer a series all-round cultivator spectrum that is conform to china through researching and studying the abroad series cultivator\'s parameter,and it links to the power strutor that can be conformed tractor used in china presently,and can content the work require,it can be used to instruct the agricultural mechanical produce and expand work.


The biodegradation rates of petroleum hydrocarbons in polluted soil of Zihe Valley, Shandong Province, China, were studied for three different experimental conditions: 1) injecting of microbes into the soil; 2) tilling and adjusting humility; and 3) both processes applied together.

为研究加快石油烃污染土层生物修复的措施 ,取淄河滩含油土壤 ,通过加入富集细菌、翻耕调湿、加菌和翻耕调湿相结合 3种生物修复室内模拟实验 ,考察生物治理前后土壤石油降解速率的差异 ,并对土壤中石油的半衰期作出预测。

Effect of Fertilization and Ploughingin Reed Field on Reed Yield;


Effects of Ploughing on Controlling Redroot,Amaranth and Common Crabgrass Barnyardgrass;


Experiments of equipping Hangfu model 1PGC 1 paddy field boat with a share plough were conducted to promote efficiency of ploughing and aviod making mud deep when ploughing.

为了避免水田耕整机在耕翻作业时造成水田泥脚变深的缺陷 ,增加小型机滚船的作业功能 ,在航富 1 PGC- 1型机滚船上 ,进行了配装铧式犁试验 。

The Influence of Tillage on CH_4 and CO_2 Emission Flux in Winter Fallow Cropland;


Studies on the relationship between tillage in autumn and occurrence degree for wheat stripe rust of volunteer seedlings


Through the field test on rape-paddy fields and wheat-paddy fields in foothills in Central Hilly Area of Sichuan (take Xinhe village in Jianyang as an example)which are applied under the different tillages and same fertilization condition, the dynamic changing feature of NH_4~+-N、NO_3~--N in the leakage water and surface water are analyzed with the self-designed lysimeter.


To spade or plow(soil)to bring the undersoil to the surface.


Before sowing seeds in the spring, one must first till the land.

春天播种以前, 先要把地翻耕一下。

Around them, tractors were turning up the earth.


Large areas of rough grazings were brought under the plow.


To ensure a good crop the soil had to be turned over twice.

要保证收成好, 地要翻耕两遍。

All the fields are now ploughed up, ready for the seeds.

全部土地都翻耕过了, 准备播种。

Effects of Plowing Locust Area Soil on East Asian Locust Egg


Harvested wheat produced the greatest density of surface waste grain.


Slumber fell on their tired eyelids like the light rain of spring upon the freshturned earth.


All around were fields, great stretches of ploughed earth and meadows of coarse herbage.


Studies on the relationship between tillage in autumn and occurrence degree for wheat stripe rust of volunteer seedlings


"I plough in the morning, turning dewy grasses, And at evening tie my fisher-Boat, Breaking the quiet stream."

晓耕翻露草, 夜榜响溪石,

He pointed to the upturned furrows of a ploughed field.


This gives the grower a better chance to disk it under.


To plough a field is to turn over the soil in it with a plough.


Cultivation of steep hillsides may be impractical because of the danger of erosion.


The methods involve soil fertility management as well as reduced tillage. Tilling is breaking up and turning the soil to prepare the ground for planting.


The methods involve soil fertility management as well as reduced ***. tillage. Tailing is breaking up and turning the soil to prepare the ground for planting.

