From《原道》to《论变盐法事宜状》——The analysis of HAN Yu s social economic ideas:every class is important,each is in his proper place;
In paradise each family has a place of its own.
Everything is good in its place.
A place for everything, everything in its place.-Franklin, Benjamin
Our policy is still one of over-all planning and all-round consideration so that everyone is provided for.
The really talented among women would always make their own niche.
On the Scientific Connotations and Realization Mechanism of "Each Is to Be Paid on the Basis of Inpidual Ability and Achievement";
Second, there must be over-all planning and all-round consideration, so that everyone is provided for. This has been our consistent policy.
第二点,统筹兼顾,各得其所。 这是我们历来的方针。
Cautions Taken in complementing Stimulating System-"Never Satisfied, Get What Be got;
There can be no doubt that as the economy grows, more and more possibilities will open up and each person will be able to make his contribution to society.
随着经济的发展,路子会越走越宽,人们会各得其所。 这是毫无疑义的。
At that time we confronted Chiang Kai-shek with the slogan that everyone should be provided for.
What he has told me and what has happened will fall into place like the pieces of a puzzle.
With a deal done and both players having had their respective wishes granted, Gallas has wasted no time in issuing a frank and forthright appraisal of his former taskmaster.
The dogs, of whom we have before spoken, had encamped themselves among them, to suit their own taste and convenience.
Throughout the country the people should have the opportunity of voicing their opinions, and they should have clothes to wear, food to eat, work to do and schools to attend; in short, some provision should be made for everyone.
From《原道》to《论变盐法事宜状》--The analysis of HAN Yu s social economic ideas:every class is important,each is in his proper place;
Teaching Students at Different Levels and in Different Steps Enabling Each of Them to Learn What They Can Learn --The Application of Differentiated Mode of Teaching to English Language Teaching at Senior Middle Schools;
分层异步 各得其所——个性差异教学模式在高中外语课堂训练活动中的应用
The vice-presidents were all square pegs in round holes.
The pattern so obtained will not resemble any of the others.