baffle plate

  • 翻译:挡板,挡水板,挡浆板


1)baffle plate,挡板;挡水板;挡浆板2)baffle,挡板;挡水板;挡浆板3)baffle board,挡板;挡水板;挡浆板4)baffle,挡板5)Damper,挡板6)baffles,挡板7)holding sheet,挡板8)flapper,挡板9)apron,挡板10)baffle plate,挡板


Liquid mixing model in three-phase fluidized bed with a multiplayer shutter-like baffle;


Effects of Mixing on the Continuous Precipitation Copolymerization of Acrylonitrile in Aqueous Midium——Ⅰ. Effects of Speed of Agitation and Number of Baffles;

混合对丙烯腈连续水相沉淀共聚的影响 I.转速和挡板数的影响

FIELDVUETM digital valve controller which bases on microprocessor and HART protocol is used as primary air flow damper controller of mill in direct system of pulverized fuel preparation in power plant.


And it gives some ideas for damper design to improve temperature adjusting effect.

对再热器设计和使用中遇到的一些问题进行了分析 ,并提出了改进性能设计的一些方案 ;对挡板调温 ,提出了一些设计方法 ,以改进调温特性。

With segmental and ring shaped baffles installed among the tube bundles, theturbulance extent of the external pressure tubular ultrafiltration equipment was increased effectively.


Based on the data of soil pressure and horizontal displacement of holding sheet from the test on indoor model of soil,the magnitude and distribution form of the soil pressure on the holding sheet were analyzed.

本文通过对砂土室内模型试验中土压力、挡板水平位移等实测资料的研究 ,重点分析了填土后挡板上土压力的分布形态及土压力大小 ,探讨了挡板工作机理 ,并与平行墙土压力计算式的计算结果进行了拟合 ,提出由于土拱的存在 ,挡板后土压力要小于库仑或朗金理论的计算值 ,挡板后土压力可用平行墙土压力计算式进行计算的观点。

This paper studies the soil stress on the holding sheet between the pile-anchor erecting columns of the pile-anchor holding block structure system often used in Chongqing.

以重庆地区常见的桩锚支挡结构体系挡板上土压力为研究对象 ,采用室内模型试验方法 ,定性的分析了挡板上土压力分布规律 ,并将其与经典土压力理论计算结果作对比 ,从而指出了经典土压力理论在桩锚支挡结构体系挡板土压力计算中的不适用

For a long time, there is a conception about the transfer approach of soil pressure behind the pile-anchor retaining structure system that the pressure is applied on the holding sheet firstly, then transferred to the columns by the sheet, finally transferred to the form ground by the anchor.

