
rind type grinder

rind type grinder

  • 翻译:环式磨木机


1)rind type grinder,环式磨木机2)Roberts grinder,环式磨木机3)annulus,环式4)cyclicism,循环式5)loop power network,环式电网6)disc and doughnut type,碟环式7)reinforced ring pump,环式泵8)Loop joint,环式节点9)stiffener ring plate,加强环式10)liquid-ring,液环式


Application of accuracy analysis for annulus centrifugal flowmeter;


The loop power networks are often used in power supply system in coal mines,which have two running modes: the first is that one circuit of the networks accepts the power and another circuit will be in backup condition;the second is that the whole networks will be in closing condition and accept the power from two directions.


Design and operation of disc and doughnut type gas heat exchanger with big-orifice baffles and wavy pipes;


Therefore, based on the differences among the borehole deviation angles and trajectory, screening and production tests were carried out for conventional pumps, deviated well pumps, reinforced ring pumps and electrical submersible pumps to determine the adaptation of different types of pumps in Hainan-3 fault block.


Finite element analysis of stiffness of connection between steel beam and CFT column with stiffener ring plate;


Composite material has been adopted for its casing inside surface and impeller blades,its coefficient of friction is rather low and not activated with circulating liquid-ring,it is a kind of fit liquid-ring chlorine pump for production of 30-50kt/a chlorine plants.

通过对原有液环式氯气泵的分析计算,在材料选用、密封结构、气体进出口、锥形分配器内漏等方面进行了改进,研制了1600m3/h大气量液环式氯气泵QYJ-1600/0 3,壳体内表面与叶轮叶片采用复合材料,与液环介质不亲和,且相对摩擦系数很小,为现有碱厂提供一种气量适中的液环式氯气泵。
