stand table

  • 翻译:径级分布表


1)stand table,径级分布表2)diameter distribution,径级分布3)DBH frequency distribution,径级频率分布4)Diameter distribution and height distribution,径级和高度分布5)the grain-size distributions of surface soil micro aggregate,表土微团粒粒径分布6)corresponding number of possible surface state,主受表面态能级分布


The diameter distribution of forest stands of broadleaved-Korean pine mixed forests on the Changbaishan Mountain was described by three distributions: exponential distribution, Weibull distribution and a finite mixture distribution,together with seven functions.


Took the surface soil micro aggregate samples in Gansu Province Minchin area, and has carried on the analysis to the grain-size distributions of surface soil micro aggregate through the dry sieve analysis.

在以上实测数据及其处理结果的基础上,采用DPM(Dust Production Model)模型模拟计算了甘肃省民勤地区三次沙尘暴期间的跃移通量、粉尘释放通量、粉尘释放率;并研究了民勤地区地表微团粒的粒径分布对粉尘释放通量的影响;在研究以民勤地区为例的干旱、半干旱地区土壤粉尘释放通量的数值模拟中,采用DPM粉尘释放模型对干旱、半干旱地区土壤粉尘释放通量进行模拟,研究了表土微团粒粒径分布、土壤湿度、土壤中非蚀性大粒径土块以及综合地表状况等对干旱、半干旱地区土壤粉尘释放的影响。
