
glue spreading machine

glue spreading machine

  • 翻译:上胶机,涂胶机


1)glue spreading machine,上胶机,涂胶机2)gluing machine,上胶机,涂胶机3)sizing,上胶4)rubberize,上胶5)rubberizing,上胶6)Glue applicator,上胶装置7)Gluing nozzle,上胶嘴8)impregnator,上胶机9)fiberglass fabric workshop,上胶车间10)bleeding,上胶工艺


adjusting the dosage of protective colloid PVA and different feeding way of the plasticiszer DBP in the reaction process,the emulsion viscosity could be controlled and produced the adhesive that we need,and the levelling property of emusion sizing for the aluminium foil would be ameliorated by feeding some levelling agent

由醋酸乙烯和丙烯酸酯所制得的共聚物 ,能够极大地提高乳液对铝箔和纸张之间的粘合力 ,通过调整保护胶体聚乙烯醇的用量和增塑剂邻苯二甲酸二丁酯在反应过程中的不同加入方式 ,可以控制和生产所需要的乳液粘度 ,流平剂的加入 ,则改良了乳液在铝箔上胶时的流平性。

The irrational usage of impregnator and burning oven facilities result in flammable exhaust gas density too high,facilities inspection not on time, warning alarm deficiency, exhaust gas pipe and oven tank accumulate sub- stantial carbon residue etc.


Ventilation and purification for a fiberglass fabric workshop;


Two great difficalties which are design splice and surface bleeding have been over come through improving of spreading technology and the preseription of emulsion glue.

通过优化上胶工艺参数和改进胶乳配方 ,机织地毯的两大疑难“病症” ,花型拼接困难和后整理上胶毯面渗胶 ,得以攻
