- 1. Armed groups use their power to tyrannize over civilians.
- 武装组织用它们的武力来欺压平民。
- 2. The strong should not tyrannize the weak.
- 强者不该欺压弱者。
- 3. He often misuses his authority to tyrannize his underlings.
- 他常用手中的职权凌轹下属。
- 4. At this point, choice no longer liberates, but debilitates. It might even be said to tyrannize.
- 在这一点上,选择不再成为一种自由,反倒是束缚,甚至可以说成一种虐待。
- 5. These few, however, tyrannize the worker, who is so healthy that he is incapable of inventing ornament. They force him to execute ornament which they have designed, in the most perse materials.
- 但这些少数人强制健康的、不会发明装饰的工人,他们逼迫他用各种材料制作他们发明的装饰。
- 6. These few, however, tyrannize the worker, who is so healthy that he is incapable of inventing ornament. They force him to execute ornament which they have designed, in the most perse materials.
- 但这些少数人强制健康的、不会发明装饰的工人,他们逼迫他用各种材料制作他们发明的装饰。