- 1. Tonality is, in general, the same as key.
- 调性通常与调的意思相同。
- 2. A piece of music or a passage may be in a particular key or tonality.
- 一篇音乐作品或章节可以是某一调或调性。
- 3. There is no body language or voice tonality to convey nuances and emotions.
- 因为电子邮件中没有身体语言或者声音语调来传达你的神韵和情感。
- 4. The focus throughout Part 3 is on tonality as a framework for generating coherence.
- 第三部份的重点是在调性如同一个一致性的组织架构。
- 5. Visual coherence can be achieved through the use of analogous color and color tonality.
- 可通过利用相似色和色调来形成视觉的连贯性。
- 6. It wasn't so much about being loud and noisy as it was about having a defined tonality.
- 不是指那种马达轰鸣的场面,而是都要一种独特的调性。
- 7. Text removes the tonality, body language and subtle cues that make a conversation interesting.
- 文本信息中没有能让交流更加有趣的音调、肢体语言和微妙暗示。
- 8. Qinyuan Pottery Xun has its own features and styles in tone color, interval and tonality.
- 秦源陶埙的音程、音色和音调具有独特的风格和特点。
- 9. Our new brand voice is essentially an evolution in nuances and less a change of attitude and tonality.
- 新的品牌声音作了细微的修改,从态度和调性上来说变化不大。
- 10. At the same time, pay attention to tonal functions that may be lurking behind the apparent non-tonality!
- 同时,把注意力放在调性功能上,那可能隐藏在明显的无调性之后!
- 11. In string quartet playing, intonation is a complicated issue that concerns tonality, melody, harmony, etc.
- 在弦乐四重奏的演奏中,音准是一个较为复杂的问题,涉及乐曲调性、旋律、和声等多方面的因素。
- 12. The third chapter analyzes the composition characteristics of the work in terms of the tonality arrangement.
- 第三章主要从调性布局的角度分析这部作品的写作特征。
- 13. These sounds may be loud or quiet, clear or muffled, high or low pitched, pleasant or unpleasant in tonality.
- 这些声音可能大声可能小声、可能清脆可能较闷、可能高亢可能低沉、可能悦耳可能难听。
- 14. The beauty of a painting lies in its beauty of color of which the key point is the mastery and use of the tonality.
- 油画之美,主要是色彩之美,而色彩之美,关键是要看如何掌握和运用色调。
- 15. The tonality of the image is refreshing and brilliant, and the reflection of the cottages seems realistic and natural.
- 此描绘英国乡间之美的作品,用色清新亮丽,屋舍的倒影写实自然。
- 16. The music composition that have clarity mentality of Enlarge tonality, as it were want to walk out from tonality music.
- 具有明确调性扩展意识的音乐作品(简称为“调性扩展类作品”)可以说是现代音乐试图走出调性音乐的第一步。
- 17. The absence of a tonal center and of harmonies derived from a diatonic scale corresponding to such a center; lack of tonality.
- 无调性缺少中心旋律及和谐性,由与此中心对应的全音阶得来;
- 18. A lot of complex functions, such as 1/3 octave analysis, sound power, tonality narrow band analysis, vibration spectrum, have been solved.
- 解决噪声1/3倍频程、声功率、音调窄带谱,振动频谱等复杂功能的在线分析与处理。
- 19. Because of its expression means is the human voice tonality, therefore it again is confined to the human's diapason, volume and tone color.
- 由于它的表现手段是人声音调,因此,它又受着人声音域、音量,音色的局限。
- 20. The article detailedly discusses and analyses LiQing-zhao s view from three aspects of tonality, content of subjects and the art aesthetic.
- 本文从音律、题材内容和艺术审美三方面详细论析了李清照的这一词学观。
- 21. Based on this tonality, DAS creates a multiview axonometric projection for the drawing Festival Place, similar to the expression of Cubism.
- 在此基调上,《玉鸟流苏》画面采用了多角度的斜向投影轴测图,类似立体派的表现方式。
- 22. I analyse and demonstrate them from four aspects: the mode, the thought of tonality, the composing rules of harmony and the way of harmony.
- 在和声的功能结构方面,从调式、调性思维,和弦的构成原则以及和声的进行方式这四个角度进行分析论证。
- 23. Malbec has a high ruby tonality, good smell, fruity with bitter almonds and important concentration in mouth. Has a nice finish and balance.
- 此酒具有宝石红的酒体,非常舒服的果味伴随着一点点甘苦的杏子味,融化在嘴中非常厚实,圆润和协调。
- 24. His basic musical idioms were based on the tradition of tonality, but he also, if necessary, resorted to dissonances and occasional atonality.
- 他的音乐语言根基是传统的、有调性的,但为了表现的需要也使用不协和音响与偶然的无调性。
- 25. This first song holds the tonality which the tears the SOB resembles, sang the aspiration which the grief and indignation occurred simultaneously.
- 这首歌以含着热泪的哭泣似的音调,唱出了悲愤交加的心声。
- 26. Part One, Introduction; Part Two, study on the melody; Part Three, Harmony study; Part Four, Tonality study; Part Five, study on the form structure.
- 文章共分为五个部分:第一章导论;第二章旋律分析;第三章和声研究;第四章调式、调性研究;第五章曲式结构研究。
- 27. As an element of music, tonality embodies the characteristics of music language of those people who share the common linguistic and cultural background.
- 作为多种音乐表现要素的音调,体现出有着共同语境和文化渊源关系人群的音乐语汇特征。
- 28. This paper also deals with the problem of temporal energy surge of noise component in narrow band influencing the tonality detection with post-smoothing.
- 同时本文还提出了一种平滑音调系数的插值后处理算法,该算法解决了瞬时突变噪声引起信号音调检测误判的问题。
- 29. This paper also deals with the problem of temporal energy surge of noise component in narrow band influencing the tonality detection with post-smoothing.
- 同时本文还提出了一种平滑音调系数的插值后处理算法,该算法解决了瞬时突变噪声引起信号音调检测误判的问题。