- 1. The Drosera sundew, meanwhile, has a thick, sweet liquid oozing from its leaves, which first attracts insects, then holds them fast before the leaves snap shut.
- 与此同时,茅膏菜的叶子则渗出粘稠甜美的液体,这种液体首先把昆虫吸引过来,然后在树叶“啪”地合上之前紧紧抓住它们。
- 2. A cave cricket is caught in the sticky clutches of a king sundew.
- 一只洞穴蟋蟀被帝王毛毡苔粘稠的触须抓住了。
- 3. This sundew prefers drier soil. You can allow the POTS to go dry between waterings.
- 长叶茅膏菜喜欢较干燥的介质,可以干了再浇水。
- 4. They harm more delicate species like lichens, mosses, harebells and insect-eating sundew plants.
- 但不利于地衣、苔藓、风信子及食虫茅膏菜等脆弱物种的生长。
- 5. You can do a bracing if orderly walk here, on a wooden walkway over boggy acid grassland rich in lady's smock, celandine, violets and carnivorous sundew.
- 如果你能在泥沼地上的木板步道上走一走,会感觉心旷神怡。草原上长满了酢浆草,白屈菜,紫罗兰和茅膏菜。
- 6. The technology of immersing extraction and the fill prescription with purslane, bulrush root, sundew root, hawthorn and mint by orthogonal experiment was researched.
- 通过正交实验对马齿苋、卢根、茅根、山楂、薄荷等野生植物的浸提工艺和其复合型饮料的配方进行了研究。
- 7. The Cape sundew is fast growing and single plants can live for many years with young suckers forming at the base. It is a free-flowering and fascinating house plant.
- 好望角毛毡苔生长快速且可以存活数年,从基部持续长出新的嫩芽,四季开花,是很迷人的居家植物。
- 8. The Cape sundew is fast growing and single plants can live for many years with young suckers forming at the base. It is a free-flowering and fascinating house plant.
- 好望角毛毡苔生长快速且可以存活数年,从基部持续长出新的嫩芽,四季开花,是很迷人的居家植物。