- 1. Sturgeon fishing has been pretty good in the estuary.
- 鲟鱼捕捞在这个河口一直很好。
- 2. A huge variety of fish, including cod, bream, mussels, salmon and sturgeon, is being farmed, providing food for people all over the world.
- 非常多的鱼类已被养殖,包括鳕鱼、鲤科鱼、贻贝、鲑鱼和鲟鱼,为世界各地的人们提供了食物。
- 3. He catches five sturgeon fish.
- 他捕捉到五条鲟鱼。
- 4. Roe of beluga sturgeon usually from russia; highly valued.
- 俄罗斯白鲸的鱼卵;有很高的价值。
- 5. Fishermen catchas many as 3, 000 sturgeon by mistake every year.
- 渔民每年错误地捕捞大概3000头中华鲟。
- 6. The giant Chinese river sturgeon breeds at Changshu, on theYangtze River.
- 中华鲟在长江常熟段繁殖。
- 7. Other endangered species are the Chinese alligator and the Yangtze River sturgeon.
- 除此之外,未在此列的濒危物种还有扬子鳄和中华鲟。 /其中还没有包括濒临灭绝的扬子鳄和中华鲟。
- 8. The Caspian holds a great amount of sturgeon, which yield eggs that are processed into caviar.
- 里海生产大量的鲟鱼,这些鲟鱼可以加工成鱼子酱。
- 9. "Humans can have an effect very quickly and very easily on the sturgeon population," Hale said.
- “人类对鲟鱼的种群数量的影响可以是迅速而轻易的,”黑尔说。
- 10. Watch for the Full Sturgeon Moon to climb over your southeast horizon shortly after sunset.
- 在太阳短暂落下之后观看升到你东南方向上的鲟鱼满月。
- 11. "It isn't necessarily a bad thing for the sturgeon. It probably doesn't have a cost," Hale said.
- “对于鲟鱼来说,这未必是一件坏事,可能无需付出任何代价,”黑尔说。
- 12. Understanding how a pathogen or humans are affecting the sturgeon could be key to conserving them.
- 了解一种病原体或人类是如何影响鲟鱼的,对于保护它们是至关重要的。
- 13. A subspecies of the Atlantic sturgeon, Gulf sturgeons are found in the coastal rivers of the Gulf of Mexico.
- 墨西哥湾鲟是大西洋鲟的一个亚种,存在于墨西哥湾沿河河流中。
- 14. It can take up to 20 years for a Beluga Sturgeon to reach its maximum size and they can weigh up to 2 tonnes.
- 它们要长到极限尺度得花20年,那时它们可以达到2吨重。
- 15. Caviar, sometimes called black caviar, is a luxury delicacy, consisting of processed and salted sturgeon roe.
- 鱼子酱是一种奢侈的珍馐美味,有时也被称为“黑鱼子酱”,主要是用盐腌过的鲟鱼卵加工制成。
- 16. Sturgeon told the Scottish parliament this morning that hospitalisation rates were similar to those in the US.
- 斯特金今天上午在苏格兰议会上报告,苏格兰猪流感病例的住院率和美国大致相同。
- 17. Examples include the golden eagle and the sturgeon. Both are occasionally seen in England but no longer breed here.
- 例子便是鹫(goldeneagle)和鲟鱼(sturgeon),这两种生物还时不时地在英格兰地区出现,但是已经不在该区域繁殖了。
- 18. Next, DeWoody and Hale would like to determine the effect - if any - the Trichomonas parasite has on lake sturgeon.
- 接下来,代物第和黑尔要判断一下影响——如果有的话——毛滴虫给湖鲟带来的影响。
- 19. A supposed sheep's milk cheese was actually from cows. And alleged sturgeon caviar was just cheap Mississippi paddlefish eggs.
- 他们还发现了有些人用牛奶来冒充羊奶奶酪、用便宜的密西西比白鲟鱼籽来做所谓的鲟鳇鱼子酱。
- 20. The reserve is home to 180 different fish species, including the already endangered Chinese sturgeon and the finless porpoise.
- 这个保护区是180种鱼类的栖息地,其中包括已经濒危的中华鳕和江豚。
- 21. Today the sturgeon is endangered, so most bladders are harvested from other species of fish including the Vietnamese catfish.
- 今天,欧洲鳇鱼正濒临灭绝,因此,大多数鱼鳔都来自其他鱼类品种,包括越南鲶鱼。
- 22. Writings from the 17th century record that boats were often surrounded by huge schools of cod, salmon, striped bass and sturgeon.
- 根据17世纪的文史资料记载,船只周遭总是围绕著大群的鳕鱼、鲑鱼、条纹鲈鱼与鲟鱼。
- 23. Writings from the17 th century record that boats were often surrounded by huge schools of cod, salmon, striped bass and sturgeon.
- 根据17世纪的文史资料记载,船只周遭总是围绕著大群的鳕鱼、鱼、纹鲈鱼与鲟鱼。
- 24. Coefficient of similarity about serum protein show that Chinese sturgeon is more similar with Amur sturgeon compared with Huso sturgeon.
- 血清蛋白相似系数的结果表明中华鲟和史氏鲟的相似性要高于达氏鳇和史氏鲟;
- 25. The main products comprise premium feeds for EEL, turtle, bullfrog, shrimp, crab, sturgeon, and snack feeds for pet fishes, pets, and baits.
- 主要经营的产品有鳗鱼、甲鱼、牛蛙、虾、蟹、鲟鱼等高品质的水产饲料以及观赏鱼、宠物、钓饵等休闲食品。
- 26. The Scottish health secretary, Nicola Sturgeon, said public health tactics had changed after it emerged the virus was spreading uncontrolled.
- 苏格兰卫生秘书长尼古拉司徒格根说,流感病毒无法控制的蔓延开来以后,我们已经改变了公共卫生策略。
- 27. It is the largest catfish in North America and the third largest obligate freshwater fish in North America, behind the lake sturgeon and paddlefish.
- 它是北美体型最大的鲶鱼,并且是北美第三大纯淡水鱼,排在其之前的分别是黄鲟和白鲟。
- 28. It is the largest catfish in North America and the third largest obligate freshwater fish in North America, behind the lake sturgeon and paddlefish.
- 它是北美体型最大的鲶鱼,并且是北美第三大纯淡水鱼,排在其之前的分别是黄鲟和白鲟。