- 1. His feet slipped in the slimy mud.
- 他因脚下黏糊糊的泥而滑倒了。
- 2. The walls were black, cold and slimy.
- 墙又黑又冷,上面满是黏湿的污迹。
- 3. Somehow this early fascination with life's prodigality, with wet, slimy or creepy-crawly things, becomes systematized and methodical.
- 不知何故,这种早期对生命挥霍无度的迷恋,对潮湿、黏糊糊或令人毛骨悚然的东西的迷恋,变得系统化和有条理了。
- 4. Not all catfish are created equal: we tend to think of catfish as slimy bottom feeders, but that is only true for a small percentage of species.
- 并非所有的鲶鱼都是生来平等的:我们倾向于认为鲶鱼是黏糊糊的食底泥动物,但那只适用于一小部分物种。
- 5. It uses so much energy producing the slimy mucus and crawling over it that a mouse traveling the same distance uses only one twelfth as much energy.
- 它产生粘稠的黏液并在黏液上爬行消耗了大量的能量,而一只老鼠移动同样的距离只消耗了十二分之一的能量。
- 6. Snakes are misunderstood. They're not slimy.
- 蛇真的是种被误解的动物。
- 7. The fish has a slimy texture but tastes delicious.
- 这种鱼质地黏黏的但是尝起来很好吃。
- 8. The eggs were covered with some sort of slimy substance.
- 这种卵被某一种黏黏的物质所覆盖。
- 9. Though actually fish, they look like snakes-and worse, they are slimy.
- 虽然的确是鱼,但它们看起来却像蛇,更糟的是,它们还是滑溜溜的。
- 10. Only I pided mine into Losers, Flameouts, Morons and Slimy Bastards.
- 只不过,我是分为“输家寡人”,“过气明星”,“愚不可及”和“无耻浑蛋”四类。
- 11. The snake's skin was scaly and dry, not wet and slimy as I had thought.
- 这条蛇的皮干燥又有鳞片,不是我原先以为的湿湿黏黏的。
- 12. This trail becomes really slimy after it rains, so be carefully if you go hiking.
- 下雨之后这条小径会变得很泥泞,爬山的时候要小心。
- 13. A savage howl, like an ominous setting sun, punctured immortality so slimy and solemn.
- 有狂野的嗥叫像不祥的残阳击穿粘稠肃穆的永恒。
- 14. He says, "Okay, you're long and thin, and slimy all over, and there's a little forked tongue..."
- 他说,你很长,很瘦,全身很纤细,有一个略微分叉的舌头。
- 15. If you get a better offer later, call back the slimy company and tell them you changed your mind.
- 如果你之后得到了一个更好的offer,只需要给这家公司打个电话,告诉他们你改变主意了。
- 16. The 5 marsh hawk, sailing low over the meadow, is already seeking the first slimy life that awakes.
- 泽鹰在草地上低旋,已经在寻觅刚刚苏醒的小生命。
- 17. Then he looked at his mother, who was soaking wet and slimy from the tops of her ears to the tips of her toes.
- 他看了看妈妈,妈妈浑身上下沾满了黏糊糊的泥水,从耳朵尖湿到了尾巴尖。
- 18. Six weeks later, the wreck is covered with a 9 slimy layer of 10 algae, but it is still recognizable as a ship.
- 六周后,其残骸就被一层黏糊糊的海藻覆盖了,但你仍然能够看出它是一艘船。
- 19. In the role of Machete is Danny Trejo, all suited and booted and out for revenge against his slimy former Federale boss.
- 《弯刀》的主演是丹尼·特乔,他全付武装,向他虚伪的前上司复仇。
- 20. Perhaps the leading theory focuses on a much more prosaic realm: the slimy interface where the sea laps against land.
- 可能最重要的理论集中在一个平凡得多的领域即在大海和陆地之间黏糊糊的交界面。
- 21. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.
- 他从祸坑里,从淤泥中,把我拉上来,使我的脚立在磐石上,使我脚步稳当。
- 22. Mr Edelman survived, escaping with a handful of colleagues along tunnels barely two feet high, slimy water up to his lips, to safety.
- 爱德曼与少数难友一道,沿着仅两英尺深的下水道,伴着漫进嘴唇的泥泞安全逃离,得以幸免。
- 23. Somehow this early fascination with life's prodigality, with wet, slimy or creepy-crawly things, becomes systematised and methodical.
- 从某种程度上说,正是这种对生命的丰饶,对潮湿、黏滑或蠕动的爬虫类的早期迷恋,最终孕育了组织化和系统化的科学研究。
- 24. Somehow this early fascination with life's prodigality, with wet, slimy or creepy-crawly things, becomes systematised and methodical.
- 从某种程度上说,正是这种对生命的丰饶,对潮湿、黏滑或蠕动的爬虫类的早期迷恋,最终孕育了组织化和系统化的科学研究。