- 1. There remained one significant problem.
- 还有一个非常重要的问题。
- 2. Your work has shown a significant improvement.
- 你的工作有了显著改进。
- 3. The results are not statistically significant.
- 这些结果在统计上没有显著意义。
- 4. There are significant parallels with the 1980s.
- 与20世纪80年代有显著的相似之处。
- 5. Notwithstanding, the problem is a significant one.
- 然而,这个问题仍很重要。
- 6. Taken together , these factors are highly significant.
- 这些因素综合起来看就很重要了。
- 7. The retail sector has been a significant underperformer.
- 零售部是明显表现不佳的部门。
- 8. The research is too unfocused to have any significant impact.
- 这一次的研究太零散,难以发挥重大的作用。
- 9. He says the reduction of the labour force could be significant.
- 他说劳动力的缩减可能会有重大影响。
- 10. They have had a significant change in policy on paternity leave.
- 他们对男人休产假制度作出了重大改变。
- 11. The results of the experiment are not statistically significant.
- 从统计学的观点看,实验结果意义不明显。
- 12. She will retain her very significant shareholding in the company.
- 她将保留她在该公司的重要股权。
- 13. The company looks poised to make a significant breakthrough in China.
- 该公司看上去稳将在中国实现一次重大突破。
- 14. There are no significant differences between the two groups of students.
- 这两组学生没有明显差别。
- 15. The learner's attention needs to be directed to the significant features.
- 学习者的注意力需要集中在重要特征上。
- 16. The difference between the two samples was not statistically significant.
- 在统计学的意义上,这两个样品没有显著的差异。
- 17. The navy played a limited but significant role in defeating the rebellion.
- 在平息叛乱中海军起了有限但却重要的作用。
- 18. The accident is already shaping up as a significant environmental disaster.
- 这个事故已经酿成为一场重大的环境灾难。
- 19. It is significant that girls generally do better in examinations than boys.
- 很明显,女生的考试成绩一般比男生的好。
- 20. When she died in 1946, her friends wanted to memorialize her in some significant way.
- 当她于1946年去世时,她的朋友们想以某种有意义的方式纪念她。
- 21. Today's Security Council resolution will be a significant success for American diplomacy.
- 今天的安理会决议将成为美国外交的一次重大胜利。
- 22. A significant exhibition of contemporary sculpture will be on view at the Portland Gallery.
- 一场意义重大的当代雕塑展将在波特兰美术馆展出。
- 23. The laxity of export control authorities has made a significant contribution to the problem.
- 出口管理当局的松懈是导致此问题的重要因素。
- 24. The offer of talks with Moscow marks a significant change from the previous Western position.
- 与莫斯科会谈的提议标志着先前西方立场的一个重大转变。
- 25. The police spokesman said: "We believe there has been a significant development in the case."
- 警方发言人说:“我们认为此案已有重大进展。”
- 26. The intellectual environment has a significant influence on the mental development of the children.
- 知识环境对孩子智力的发展有着重大的影响。
- 27. There were significant differences among women based on age, place of residence, and educational levels.
- 基于年龄、住处和教育水平,妇女们之间存在显著的差异。
- 28. If all the coronary arteries are free of significant obstructions, all parts of the heart will receive equal amounts of oxygen.
- 如果冠状动脉没有重大堵塞,心脏的各个部位会收到等量的氧气。
- 29. There's a significant financial benefit as well.
- 还有一个重要的经济利益。
- 30. Share prices showed significant advances.
- 股票价格大幅上涨。