- 1. They've covered an old Rolling Stones number.
- 他们翻唱了滚石乐队的一首老歌。
- 2. A boy came towards them, rolling an iron hoop.
- 一个男孩滚着一个铁环朝他们走来。
- 3. With its gently rolling hills it looks like Tuscany.
- 它拥有平缓起伏的山丘,看起来像托斯卡纳。
- 4. They are arguably the most important band since The Rolling Stones.
- 他们可以说是自滚石以来最重要的乐队。
- 5. Tears rolling down my face.
- 泪水从我的脸上滚落下来。
- 6. The rock is still rolling.
- 巨石还在滚动。
- 7. The wheels are rolling.
- 车轮滚动。
- 8. Large logs came rolling down the slope.
- 粗大的圆木从山坡上滚下来。
- 9. The eleven marbles are rolling on the ground.
- 十一颗弹珠正在地上滚动。
- 10. The puppies were rolling in front of the fire.
- 这些幼犬在火炉前打滚。
- 11. He sprang to his feet after rolling on the ground.
- 他在地上打了个滚,挺身跳了起来。
- 12. Cheese Rolling Championships take place in May every year in Britain.
- 英国每年5月举行滚奶酪大赛。
- 13. He walked with a rolling gait.
- 他走起路来摇摇摆摆。
- 14. Mist was rolling in from the sea.
- 薄雾从海上涌来。
- 15. Offers of help are still rolling in.
- 仍然不断有人表示愿意提供援助。
- 16. She soon had us rolling in the aisles.
- 她很快就让我们笑个不停。
- 17. The ship was rolling heavily to and fro.
- 轮船剧烈地颠簸着。
- 18. We watched the waves rolling onto the beach.
- 我们注视着波浪涌向海滩。
- 19. He was rolling a pencil between his fingers.
- 他用手指捻动着铅笔。
- 20. Delivery men were rolling barrels across the yard.
- 送货人正把桶滚到院子一边。
- 21. Don't forget, I have always kept the money rolling in.
- 别忘了,我总是在让钱财滚滚而来。
- 22. The country, with its low, rolling hills was beautiful.
- 这一地区山势低缓,连绵起伏,非常美丽。
- 23. We were able to watch the books rolling off the presses.
- 我们可以看到书本从印刷机上源源不断地印出。
- 24. Often, such projects are the result of legislative log-rolling.
- 一般来说,这样的项目都是立法机关之间相互投赞成票所通过的议案结果。
- 25. They had to repeat the scene because the cameras weren't rolling.
- 他们只好重新拍摄这个镜头,因为摄影机没有启动。
- 26. Many stations needed repairs or rebuilding and there was a shortage of rolling stock.
- 许多车站需要维修或重建,而且铁路车辆不够。
- 27. This train would stop twice more in the suburbs before rolling southeast toward Baltimore.
- 这辆火车在朝东南开往巴尔的摩前将在郊区多停两站。
- 28. As we travel south, the countryside begins to undulate as the rolling hills sweep down to the riverbanks.
- 随着我们游向南边,乡间的山丘变得连绵起伏与河岸相接。
- 29. It's as easy as rolling a die.
- 这就像摇骰子一样容易。
- 30. This country has rolling hills.
- 这个国家群山起伏。