- 1. Unlike mountaineers, he felt no urge to conquer the rock-face.
- 巴氏与一般的登山运动员不同,他并没有那种征服岩石立面的强烈冲动。
- 2. Built in the 13th century, it clings to a sheer rock-face high up above a mountain stream, among evergreen forests.
- 苏密拉的修道院建于13世纪,修筑在一条山溪之上的岩面上,四周绿树环抱。
- 3. As we set out from the Peruvian coast to find the source of the Amazon (a cascade from a 15-metre-high rock-face) we were panting after just 100 metres.
- 当我们从秘鲁海岸出发以找寻亚马逊河的源头(一处悬于岩壁的15米高的瀑布)时,我们渴望它只有100米。
- 4. He managed to cling on to a ledge 40 feet down the rock face.
- 他设法抓住了岩面下方40英尺处的岩脊。
- 5. Local workmen were blasting the rock face beside the track in order to make it wider.
- 当地工人正在用炸药炸开小路旁边的岩石面以便将其拓宽。
- 6. He was struggling to hold onto a rock on the face of the cliff.
- 他拼命挣扎着去抓悬崖壁上的一块岩石。
- 7. They're trying to blast away the face of the rock.
- 他们试图炸开岩石的表面。
- 8. Rock stars now face a new hazard—voice abuse.
- 摇滚明星面临一个新的危险——声音滥用。
- 9. The climbers had to negotiate a steep rock face.
- 攀登者必须攀越陡峭的岩壁。
- 10. The birds build their nests in the rock face.
- 这些鸟在岩壁上筑巢。
- 11. What is rather amazing, you might think, is how similar some images are, whether you're looking at a rock face in South Africa or standing inside a cave in Spain.
- 可能更令人惊讶的是,某些图像的相似度非常高,不管是看南非的石像面具,还是身处西班牙的岩石洞穴里。
- 12. Socotran Fig Tree (Dorstenia gigas) with a bizare swollen trunk that almost has human proportions grows against a limestone rock face on the island of Socotra.
- 索科特拉无花果树倚靠着石灰岩、面向索科特拉岛生长,它那肿胀的树干跟人的身体比例几乎一样。
- 13. Recently she found a black virgin statuette cemented to the rock face.
- 近来她还发现在岩石的表面上粘了一个黑色天然的小雕像。
- 14. What's more, there is a narrow, dripping path that leads through the rock face behind the water falls.
- 另外,在瀑布后面,岩石表面凿出了一条狭窄的滴水小径。
- 15. Head on: the man stands on the edge of the rock face, bracing himself as the awesome power of a massive wave near Australia's Bondi beach.
- 迎面:此人站在岩石的边缘面对着巨大海浪的力量屹立不倒。图片拍摄在Australia 's bondi海滩。
- 16. Dangerous: the man had climbed over a set of protective bars further back from the edge of the rock face.
- 危险:这个男人翻过了一系列的防护栏,岩石边沿近在咫尺。
- 17. He was horrified to find, when free-climbing in France, that holds had been chiselled in the rock face and stone-like grips glued on.
- 有一次在法国攀岩时,他不无惊恐地发现,早已有人在岩面上凿出了支撑点,那些像石头一样的把手已经黏在岩面之上。
- 18. Too damn right – and why not after 30 or 40 years toiling at the matrimonial rock face?
- 太该死了,为什么不在30或者40年之后以后在婚姻摇着头苦干。
- 19. He was horrified to find, when free-climbing in France, that holds had been chiselled in the rock face and stone-like grips glued on.
- 他在法国徒手攀爬的过程中,发现岩面被人为凿过,嵌入并且粘上了仿石头的人工抓手,当时他的后背一阵阵冒冷汗;
- 20. I looked to the river gorge falling 100 feet below on our left and the steep rock face to the right.
- 在我们左边是深达100英尺的河谷,右边是壁立的悬崖。
- 21. "The detached crystals slithered down the rock face for a moment and then made no further sound" (H. G. Wells). The word can also suggest the sinuous, gliding motion of a reptile.
- “散开的晶体在岩石表面滑了一段时间就再也没有声音了”(H·G·威尔斯)。这个词还可以指爬行动物蜿蜒,滑行的动物。
- 22. We should always strive to leave no trace on the rock face or the mountainside.
- 我们应当始终力求不在岩壁与山腰上留下任何痕迹。
- 23. The Kailasanatha temple at Ellora is a good example of the former, excavated from top to bottom out of a massive rock face.
- 爱罗拉的凯托撒那神庙是前者的一个好例子,从头到底挖起上来都是一块厚重的大岩石。
- 24. Look at the rock face from down up.
- 你看这岩壁从下到上。
- 25. Apparently he just dug it out of the rock face with his walking stick.
- 看上去他就是用手杖从岩面里把它挖了出来。
- 26. Frisolo Friction - a style of climbing that involves few positive holds and relies on balance, footwork and weight over the feet for grip on the rock face.
- 一种攀登风格,使用很少的支点,主要依靠平衡,脚法和脚在岩石上的摩擦力。
- 27. Nearby is the colossal 12th-century Sitting Buddha 120 m. high. It is cut of the rock face overlooking the Min River.
- 附近一尊巨大的12世纪的坐佛,120米高。它是由一块俯瞰岷江的岩石雕刻而成。
- 28. A 75-foot-tall Buddha stands bolt upright, carved from the rock face and covered in plaster, protected from the elements by the facade of the Nine-Story Temple.
- 一座笔直站立的佛像高75英尺,从岩壁上雕刻而出,覆以灰泥,并用“九层楼”为它遮风挡雨。
- 29. Ted unpacked something similar to a hammock, a bed that rock climbers use to sleep on the side of a rock face when on very long climbs.
- 泰德展开类似吊床的东西,这是攀岩者在长途攀岩途中,架在峭壁边用来睡觉的床。
- 30. Ted unpacked something similar to a hammock, a bed that rock climbers use to sleep on the side of a rock face when on very long climbs.
- 泰德展开类似吊床的东西,这是攀岩者在长途攀岩途中,架在峭壁边用来睡觉的床。