- 1. Mr Obama's election in November 2008 did a great deal to revivify the much-tarnished Brand America.
- 2008年11月奥巴马的当选,对于重振大为逊色的美国形象颇有帮助。
- 2. The current problem of classroom lies in its isolation from the life world. So the classroom has to revivify and transcend to the life world so as to give the classroom vitality and energy.
- 当前课堂的问题在于悖离了生活世界,所以课堂必须还原与超越,才能焕发出生机和活力。
- 3. It's because we have these performers up there that are reading this blueprint and everyone is listening, basically to see how accurately they can reproduce, revivify this artistic artifact.
- 是因为台上有演奏人员,他们在看乐谱,大家都在听,基本上就是在揣摩他们能在多大程度上精确地复制和再现这件人工的艺术作品。
- 4. It's because we have these performers up there that are reading this blueprint and everyone is listening, basically, to see how accurately they can reproduce, revivify, this artistic artifact.
- 因为台上的这些演奏乐手在读乐谱,在按照乐谱演奏,而台下的观众基本上就是在听乐手们能多准确地复制重现出这份艺术作品。
- 5. It's because we have these performers up there that are reading this blueprint and everyone is listening, basically, to see how accurately they can reproduce, revivify, this artistic artifact.
- 因为台上的这些演奏乐手在读乐谱,在按照乐谱演奏,而台下的观众基本上就是在听乐手们能多准确地复制重现出这份艺术作品。